Learn which area of your home to focus on during spring cleaning based on your zodiac sign! This blog post provides tips and tricks for each sign’s ideal spring cleaning project, from deep cleaning your kitchen if you’re a Cancer to reorganizing your makeup drawer if you’re a Leo. Whether you’re an Aries tackling your living room or a Virgo dusting off your attic, this guide will help you refresh and revitalize your space this spring.
Aries — Living room

Aries zodiac, you should be spring cleaning your living room!
Let’s be honest here, Aries. While you are extremely hygienic, you’re not the neatest of the zodiac, especially when it comes to your living room. When your friends visit, you aren’t afraid to show your honest, disorganized self — but why not take some time to create a space that both you and your guests can relax in?
This means putting away your clothes and clutter that are taking up seats on your couch and clearing the table of to-dos and discarded projects. Vacuum your rugs, sweep the floor, and dust off your entertainment center. You don’t have to reorganize your entire space — just make it more comfortable for both you and your loved ones to spend some quality time in!
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Taurus — Patio or balcony

Taurus zodiac, you should be spring cleaning your patio!
Your patio or balcony is where you go when you need time to yourself in nature, Taurus — when you need to escape the stress of your day-to-day life and stop and smell the roses (figuratively and literally). That being said, it’s hard to maintain these outdoor places during the winter, especially after this unpredictable one.
But now that the weather’s warming up, it’s time to grab a broom and dustpan and sweep every inch of your patio or balcony. Or you can turn on the hose and let it wash away last season’s dirt and grime (if you don’t have a neighbor’s patio below). Wash the cushions of your patio furniture and wipe down your side tables. Don’t forget the corners! Your favorite outside space needs care, too — brush away the cobwebs and rehang your fairy lights, so your outdoor haven is ready for you once the weather permits you to return. You’ll love being present in your little, personal retreat that much more!
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Gemini — Study or work area

Gemini zodiac, you should be spring cleaning your desk!
As the queen of multitasking, you’re often juggling quite a few different projects at once, my productive Gemini. While I admire your dedication and work ethic, when was the last time you took a good, hard look at your desk? And what about the state of your drawers? Aren’t you tired of constantly shuffling through papers to find what you need?
Let’s get organized! Honestly, you’ll find it will be well worth your time. Take everything out of your drawers so you can start from scratch. Sort all those loose papers into their own folder or file section by project — even if you have to make your own bigger filing system. You know better than most that it pays to have a place for everything, and everything in its place. Put all your pens and pencils in one place — that way you’re not always scrambling around for one. And be sure to finish off your desk with some eco-friendly wood cleaning solution. You’ll be ready to get back to work in no time — no muss, no fuss!
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Cancer — Kitchen

Cancer zodiac, you should be spring cleaning your kitchen!
Cooking for your friends and family is one of your favorite ways to express your affection, my sweet Cancer. But all that cooking and baking is exhausting on its own — let alone the cleanup!
Use this time of spring’s rejuvenation to give your kitchen a deep clean. Wipe down your counters and give your stove a good scrub. Reach into all those nooks and crannies you don’t think about when you’re doing a surface clean after cooking your family-favorite meals. I’d also highly recommend cleaning your oven, if you have the time. You’ll be surprised by how much can build up in there so quickly!
And you can’t forget about the floors! Grab your trusty mop and bucket, fill it with you favorite eco-friendly cleaning solution, and get to work! You’ll feel so much better baking a warm batch of chocolate chip muffins in a freshly cleaned kitchen.
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Leo — Vanity or makeup drawer

Leo zodiac, you should be spring cleaning your vanity!
You know you’re a shining star, my glamorous Leo. Your makeup collection is unrivaled by all — except (maybe) Libra! But when was the last time you really sorted through your assorted treasures of powders and mascara?
You should start by reorganizing and removing any expired products. Then find some inexpensive drawer or table-top organizers to keep your makeup sorted and grouped — and that allows you to see your entire collection all at once.
When you’ve finished organizing, be sure to wipe down your vanity — including scrubbing off any drops of caked-on foundation — and clean your mirror! That way you’ll actually be able to see your beautiful face next time you’re applying that final layer of lipstick.
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Virgo — Attic

Virgo zodiac, you should be spring cleaning your attic!
Your cleaning skills are top-notch, Virgo. You’re always prepared to host a last-minute gathering, so you like to keep your space tidy and cozy, just in case!
So, why not use this season of renewal as an excuse to focus on the area of your home that usually goes uninhabited? Take your broom and dust rag to the attic! Go through all those boxes and bins stored up there — either all at once, or make yourself a promise to spend an hour each weekend until it’s done. Is there anything you can get rid of? Thrift stores and local charities would happily take your unused clothes, furniture, or blankets! Just make sure to wash everything before you donate it, and (if you have the time) do a little bit of research to see which charity needs it the most.
Once you’ve downsized on your space, give your attic a good dusting and sweep. I’m sure it could use it — even an attic needs a good cleaning once in a while!
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Libra — Closet

Libra zodiac, you should be spring cleaning your closet!
You always look fantastic wherever you go, my dear Libra! With your bountiful collection of designer pieces and stunning accessories, it’s no surprise that your closet is in need of a deep clean. Yes, that does mean you need to find new homes for those clothes that you know you aren’t going to wear. Have you worn it in the past year? No? Donate it or give it to a friend.
I know it’s hard for you to give away your beautiful things, Libra. But you know that clothes deserve to be worn! Have a try-on party, if you like. Find someone who will give your pieces the love and care that you can’t. Don’t think of it as losing a part of your wardrobe. Think of it as making space for something new!
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Scorpio — Bedroom

Scorpio zodiac, you should be spring cleaning your bedroom!
Winter provides the perfect excuse to isolate yourself away in your bedroom, Scorpio. It’s okay to take some time to recharge (we all need it every once in a while!), but with spring approaching, you need to throw open the curtains to let some sunlight in and clear away all that clutter you’ve accumulated, practically without even noticing.
Put all those hoarded water glasses in the dishwasher where they belong. Throw some clean, fresh sheets on your bed. Vacuum or mop the floors, and don’t forget to dust off your surfaces! If the weather permits, you can even open a window to let in some much-needed fresh air. Give your hideaway a clean, clear, fresh start! I know it may be time consuming, but you’ll sleep so much easier in a space that’s devoid of dust and clutter.
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Sagittarius — Car

Sagittarius zodiac, you should be spring cleaning your car!
New year, new adventures — right, Sagittarius? I’m sure you’re itching to plan another weekend getaway — but before you do, don’t you think you should probably clean out your backseat from the last time you took a trip?
Does your car look like an archaeologist’s dream with remnants dating back to previous trips? Could CSI piece together the last few adventures from the relics in your car? Throw away those discarded snack wrappers and paper coffee cups lying on the floorboards, and be sure to check to see what’s rolled underneath your seat — as scary as that may be! Vacuum your seats (I know there are still crumbs from your refueling breakfast sandwiches) and clear out whatever is in your seats’ back pockets. Finally, give the outside of your car a wash, too, so it’ll be sparkling clean and ready for your next adventure!
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Capricorn — Bathroom

Capricorn zodiac, you should be spring cleaning your bathroom!
You’re usually really on top of keeping your home nice and tidy, Capricorn. Most areas of your home are spotless. It’s truly quite impressive. However, when it comes to your personal bathroom, you know there’s definitely some room for improvement.
You try to spend as little time as possible in your bathroom — because you’ve always got somewhere else to be, right? But take some time to wipe down the sink and counter. Give your bathtub or shower a good scrub, and mop the floors with some sweet-smelling, eco-friendly cleaner. I promise, you’ll feel much less stressed getting ready in the mornings if you start the day in a clean space.
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Aquarius — Foyer

Aquarius zodiac, you should be spring cleaning your foyer!
You have a bad habit of dropping everything the second you walk in the door, Aquarius, and I don’t blame you! After coming home from a long day, sometimes it’s easier to just kick your shoes off and throw your jacket over the nearest chair. It sure feels good to slough off the day’s trappings as soon as possible.
But let’s finally hang all those coats up in the closet where they belong, and if you don’t already have a special place for your shoes by the front door, it’s time to invest in one. Depending on your space, you may only be able to keep one or two pairs by the door, so try to limit them to the ones you use most often. The rest can find their homes back in your closet!
Once you’ve put all your belongings in their proper space, give the area around your door a sweep and wipe down for good measure. You’ll be surprised by how much debris can pile up near your entryway!
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Pisces — Reading nook

Pisces zodiac, you should be spring cleaning your reading nook!
How’s that daunting pile of TBR books stacked up on your windowsill treating you, Pisces? You love your place by the window, but you also have a bad habit of never putting away your books once you’ve finished reading them. Take some time to sort through your collection — no, don’t start reading just yet! Grab your handy feather duster and rid your bookshelf and windowsill of all that accumulated dust! Then, put your books away using whatever organization system you’ve created — even if it’s just making them look aesthetically pleasing!
Next, vacuum your reading chair, ridding it of leftover potato chip crumbs and the like, and wash your fuzzy blankets. Give the window a quick spritz with some eco-friendly cleaner, so you’ll have a better view of the outside world. Then, spray everything down with a scented fabric spray, and your favorite little corner will be good as new!
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Let’s all refresh our spaces so we can take on the year ahead refreshed, with a clear head and a clean haven!