Aries is kissing Aquarius!
Aries, you pregamed before the New Year’s Eve party and were already feeling good by the time you arrived. At the end of the night, Aquarius was the only one still willing to discuss your controversial (and quite buzzed) opinion that goal setting is pointless and success is subjective. The countdown started during the heat of your debate, and the fireworks weren’t the only sparks flying as you went for the kiss!
This year, focus on building relationships full of trust instead of drama.

You are passionate to your core, Aries. While the chaotic ups and downs and exciting unpredictability of a toxic relationship may be thrilling for a time, you know deep down it isn’t sustainable. You worry that finding a relationship that’s healthy and stable would mean sacrificing passion — but with the right person you can have both! Find someone who challenges you to grow and has as much joie de vivre as you do. Remember, too, that trust is a two-way street — you have to be willing to be vulnerable in order to find something real.
Taurus is kissing Sagittarius!
Taurus, you started off the night drifting around the edges of conversations, smiling and nodding politely as you listened to those around you. But once Sagittarius started recounting how they backpacked through Europe with nothing more than a few dollars to their name, you couldn’t help but be enthralled by the tale — and by them. Their recklessness and daring were intoxicating, but their laid-back, easy-going nature made you feel comfortable enough to let them kiss you when the ball dropped.
This year, focus on finding a partner who sees the best in you and makes it obvious that they cherish your great qualities!

For you, Taurus, it’s important to find a partner you harmonize with. Someone who truly gets you and helps you to be a better person. That being said, they also need to speak up when you start minimizing your wonderful character traits and value! It’s not that you need them in order to be a good person — you are amazing just as you are, and you need to learn to accept it!
Gemini is kissing Virgo!
As much as you are a social butterfly to the core, Gemini, there always comes a point in the night when you need some time to decompress. Between Aries and Aquarius’ rousing debate and Cancer and Leo taking up the entire living room, you needed a minute for yourself. So, you escaped to the kitchen. You found a frantic Virgo struggling to clean up, and you characteristically stepped in to help with the dishes. You found comfort in their silence, and by the time midnight came, you were already planning to pull them into a kiss.
This year, focus on dating someone who appreciates your adaptability and understands your need for change.

You are constantly evolving into better versions of yourself, Gemini. You need to find someone who is willing and happy to watch you on the ups and downs of your journey, rather than wishing you’d stay the same or expect you only to improve. However, this requires constant communication from you. You can’t expect your partner to read your mind, and they won’t be able to appreciate the person you become if you don’t tell them (and show them) who that is.
Cancer is kissing Leo!
You were drawn to Leo’s natural charm from the beginning of the night, like a moth to the flame, Cancer. Their humor drew you in, but when they swept you across the living room and attempted to recreate that dance scene from Anastasia, you were hooked! You kissed in the center of the dance floor. While the room cheered to ring in the new year, it felt like they were cheering just for you.
This year, focus on shining your own light and finding a partner that reminds you to take the spotlight every now and then.

With your kind-hearted and generous disposition, you are your loved one’s personal cheerleader, Cancer. If you spent even a fraction of that time and energy believing in yourself, there’s no telling what feats you could accomplish! You need someone who’s willing to continuously reassure and support you in your endeavors. Someone who reminds you how much talent you inherently possess! The world wants to see all you have to offer. Your life will be so much better after you realize that.
Leo is kissing Cancer!
No one laughed louder during your retelling of how you got stranded on the roof hanging Christmas lights this year than Cancer — and you know how much you love the attention, Leo! Cancer was happy to indulge your spontaneity and trailed behind you throughout the night. It ended with a dance and a passionate New Year’s kiss.
This year, focus on finding your own strength and power.

You are special in and of yourself, Leo — and you don’t need others to remind you of that. Instead of seeking validation from others, think about whether you are happy with the decisions you’re making. When it comes to a partner, you don’t need someone who makes you feel less — but you don’t want someone who idolizes you, either. Find an equal, not a groupie.
Virgo is kissing Gemini!
As the host of the best New Year’s Eve party around, you were scrambling behind the scenes to ensure that everyone else was having fun — typical Virgo. Gemini stepped in to help you clean the dishes while everyone else was partying the night away. You couldn’t have been more touched. When the time came to ring in the New Year, you let them kiss you and found yourself talking and laughing with a new friend.
This year, focus on relationships where you and your person both feel the desire to improve — but not the necessity.

While your dedication to self-improvement is admirable, Virgo, your personal growth is not indicative of your value. Love is not tied to your achievements! Continue to grow at your own pace, but always remember that you are worthy of love just as you are.
Libra is kissing Scorpio!
Honestly, Libra, you wanted to be swept off your feet by the charming Leo or that exciting Sagittarius, but Taurus and Cancer beat you to it. You were hanging out by the bar when you noticed Scorpio’s comfortable calm within the chaos. You were intrigued by their mysteriousness and attracted to their nonchalance. So wrapped up in their eyes, you missed the countdown completely!
This year, focus on finding someone you share a lot of interests with.

As the master of aesthetics, you spend a lot of time focusing on how things and people look, Libra — but what about how they make you feel? Your partner is meant to be your best, most trusted friend! Seek to foster a deeper connection. Keep yourself in check so you’re not seeing your relationship as a Disney fairytale. Trust me, the real thing is so much better!
Scorpio is kissing Libra!
You weren’t planning on kissing anyone, Scorpio — but tonight, Libra showed up and you thought you might test the waters and check out someone you wouldn’t normally see yourself with. You’re always up for a little psychology lesson. Libras are very different from you — but to your surprise, Libra kept up with you shot for shot. You decided to start making out with them before the ball even dropped!
This year, focus on getting into relationships with people fully.

Everyone knows how guarded you are, Scorpio. Getting physical with someone and being intimate are two completely different things in your book. You retreat from any sort of vulnerability like the plague. This year, slow things down a little. Before you jump straight to making out, decide whether you actually want to be with the person — you’ll break fewer hearts that way!
Sagittarius is kissing Taurus!
You always know how to bring people out of their comfort zone, Sagittarius, and Taurus was no exception. You appreciated their rapt attention to your tales of travel and adventure, and you answered all their questions with sincerity and in great detail. The two of you were having so much fun conversing that you completely missed the ball drop. You kissed them once you noticed the New Year had finally arrived!
This year, focus on finding stability for yourself and not relying on a partner to do it for you.

You have a tendency to be swept up in feelings of wanderlust and FOMO, Sagittarius. You seek stability in relationships because it’s so difficult for you to find it in any other aspect of your life. But that’s a lot of pressure to put on another person. It isn’t fair to your partner for them to be the only one managing the responsibilities and the “boring stuff.” It’s okay to have fun and indulge in your whims — but it’s time to learn how to follow through with what you start and be responsible for yourself for a change.
Capricorn is kissing Pisces!
You were making the rounds throughout the party and discussing your exciting plans for the upcoming year when you caught the eye of a darling Pisces. You were quite flattered with their unrelenting attention and shameless flirting. How could you not go for it once the countdown began? It’s all harmless fun, in your eyes.
This year focus on finding a partner who makes you feel comfortable — someone who helps you to both relax and feel passionately in love.

With your relentless ambition and endless drive, you tend to go for those who are interesting to you — then dump them when they’ve become too predictable. Your relationships burn bright and hot, but they never last and always leave you quickly searching for the next flame. Try to find someone who can both ignite your embers, but also makes you feel relaxed and at peace. The activities you do can still be action-packed, but your relationship should be one that makes you feel happy and content — someone whom you look forward to coming home to at the end of the day.
Aquarius is kissing Aries!
My dear Aquarius, you were just slipping off into your annual New Year’s Eve existential crisis when you were quickly yanked out of your own thoughts by the loud, blunt opinions of the highly intoxicated Aries. You enjoyed poking holes in their theories about goal setting and success, and you were quite amused by their passionate debate. The intensity was not what you’re used to, and the fire, quite the turn-on.
This year focus on finding passion in your love life.

As the most logical of the zodiac, you have a tendency to get stuck in your head, Aquarius. But you can’t rationalize love! It simply doesn’t make sense! This year, try to be a little more impulsive with your partner (or partners, if that’s what you choose). Love and romance are vital when it comes to maintaining a healthy relationship. I know you’re not a lead-with-your-heart kind of person — but at least give your heart an importance equal to your reasoning.
Pisces is kissing Capricorn!
Oh, Pisces. You were just starting to slip into those sinking feelings of “what am I doing with my life” that creep in every year around this time — when you overheard Capricorn talking about how they were right on track for their 10-year plan. Obviously, you were in awe of how someone could so efficiently turn their dreams into reality. You were trying to get closer, kind of hoping some of their magic might rub off on you!
This year focus on being more communicative with your partner.

You love deeply, Pisces, and you always try to put your significant other first. But your wants and needs are just as important as your partner’s. Your partner likely wants to put you first, too, but they can’t do that if you won’t meet them halfway! Seriously, what are your odds of finding a true mind reader? If what you’re craving for dinner is at that small café down the street — then just say so!
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