Your Lilith Sign & Fashion (and How to Overcome It)

The Black Moon Lilith sign in your birth chart reveals what you are most ashamed of or uncomfortable with in terms of your personality. It’s difficult for you to express this part of yourself, and it can make you uncomfortable when other people express these traits openly and freely, when you, yourself, cannot.

Everyone has parts of themselves that they’re ashamed of. It’s completely normal. What we want to work on is overcoming that shame and allowing yourself to express all sides of who you are — and fashion is a great way to do just that! If nothing else, it’s a starting point to help you get more comfortable with accepting parts of yourself that you normally don’t embrace or allow others to see.

Click here for a quick and easy way to look up your Black Moon Lilith sign.

Lilith in Aries

Signs with Lilith in Aries struggle with asserting themselves. You see those who have the confidence to unapologetically take the lead and make executive decisions, without checking with others first, as selfish and wrong. You don’t like to focus on yourself or make any autonomous decisions. 

When it comes to fashion, you are never the first to start new trends and prefer to wear drab colors to blend in with the fashion choices of those around you. To combat this, you should start by trying to add one brightly-colored accessory into your everyday outfit choices, even if it’s just a bright red lipstick or some garnet earrings! It’s not selfish to want to be noticed, and gradually allowing yourself to stand out will increase your confidence and self-esteem.

Lilith in Taurus

Signs with Lilith in Taurus are ashamed of self-indulgence. You struggle with self-care and doing things for yourself. For example, you would rather go gift shopping for friends than buy that new body wash you’ve been eyeing for the past month.

In terms of fashion, it’s probably been eons since you’ve gone on a shopping spree! That’s why I would encourage you to buy something for yourself once per pay period. This can start with something as small as a new shade of lipstick you find pretty, a new facial mask, or even just treat yourself to your favorite latte (but get the venti size!). It’s okay to pamper yourself occasionally. You deserve a little TLC. After all, you have to make sure that you are taken care of before you can take care of those around you.

Lilith in Gemini

Those with Lilith in Gemini are afraid of speaking too much or too little. You worry how you’ll be perceived by others. “Am I coming across as too smart? Am I not smart enough?” You fear you’re constantly being judged, so you try to stay on neutral ground and avoid taking a stance on things whenever possible.

In terms of fashion, you’ll hardly ever see someone with a Lilith in Gemini “talking” with their clothes. You’ll avoid anything from political graphic tees to shirts from your favorite artist or band, or even just about any pop culture reference. But you need to remember that it’s okay to express your interests! Don’t ever let anyone shame you for liking something, especially if that person is yourself. Maybe start by adding in subtle pop culture references in your outfits, like those TARDIS earrings you bought but never wore. You may be surprised by how many people notice in a positive way! While outfit choices may seem small, showing off your interests can help you find common ground and provide opportunity to make new friends!

Lilith in Cancer

Those with Lilith in Cancer fear being perceived as needy or emotional. You seek to be seen as strong and independent and will never admit when you need help. You also have a tendency to look down on those who aren’t afraid to express their needs to others. 

In terms of fashion, you can sometimes try too hard to showcase yourself as bold and assertive. This can mean wearing flashy clothes that you don’t even like just because you want to show others how tough you are. But I challenge you to stop and take a moment to think about what you actually do like in terms of clothes. Do you really need to be seen as strong all the time? Are the clothes you wear something you’re truly comfortable in? If the answer to any of these questions is no, then try reevaluating your closet and start incorporating clothes and accessories that actually feel like you and not the person you’re trying to project.

Lilith in Leo

Those with Lilith in Leo are ashamed of drawing too much attention to themselves. Even if deep down you crave the spotlight from time to time, you won’t allow yourself the privilege of getting it. Compliments make you feel uncomfortable, and you often repress your natural human need for praise.

In terms of fashion, you never allow yourself to splurge when it comes to clothes. You won’t buy anything brand name — even if you really want it — and you tend to stay away from anything bright and bold because you worry it’ll draw too much attention. But it’s natural to crave human connection, and we all need a little praise every now and again, even if you tell yourself that you don’t want it. It’s okay if you do. Everyone does. So, I recommend slowly but surely starting to add some bright colors into your wardrobe and saving up for that Prada bag you’ve always wanted. It’s okay to occasionally treat yourself to something nice. It doesn’t make you a bad person to strive for the best for yourself.

Lilith in Virgo

Those with Lilith in Virgo don’t want to be seen as too practical. You want to be seen as someone extraordinary who doesn’t stick to routines or the status quo. You try not to focus too much on details (even if you’re stressing about them underneath your cool exterior) and want to appear casually thrown together without much thought or worry.

In terms of fashion, you tend to go to the extremes in trendsetting, choosing impractical, uncomfortable clothes just to stand out. You may even be mixing up your style a little too much, just to be seen as different. Instead of focusing so much on how you’re perceived by others, I want you to look inward as you find something in your closet that you love. I want you to choose an item not because of how it makes you look, but for how it makes you feel. Wearing a cozy sweater on a snowy winter morning, albeit practical, is also comfortable and warm. It’s okay to let your guard down every once in a while, and it counts even if you’re just by yourself or with close friends. 

Lilith in Libra

Those with Lilith in Libra struggle with needing people. You feel ashamed whenever you naturally seek companionship or approval from others, and you can be easily irritated by (or envious of) those who are able to openly accept compliments and praise.

In terms of fashion, you equate being part of a group with being vulnerable. You ghost friends who want matching outfits, even if it’s something as simple as color coordinating. But what you need to remember is that it’s okay to be part of something! It doesn’t make you weak or less of yourself to let other people in. So, the next time your friends ask you to jump in on one of those themed party TikTok trends, or even just a fun night out where you all wear the same color, challenge yourself to do it! You may be pleasantly surprised by how much you actually like it. 

Lilith in Scorpio

Those with Lilith in Scorpio struggle with intimacy. You tend to feel ashamed when the natural urge for human attachment and deep connection arise. You can be very closed off and often hide your passions from others.

In terms of fashion, Lilith in Scorpio, you don’t like wearing clothing that shows off your figure. You may prefer boxy, loose-fitting clothes that you can burrow into and hide in. However, I encourage you to branch out a little bit and try something new. You don’t have to dress up in a crop top and miniskirt, if that’s not your style, but why not try going out in a form-fitting t-shirt or even just a graphic tee that features an artist or band you’re passionate about? Showing the world who you are and what you love isn’t a bad thing. While being vulnerable can be intimidating at first, finding those deep, personal connections with yourself and others makes life worth it.

Lilith in Sagittarius

Those with Lilith in Sagittarius struggle with expressing their natural curiosity. You tend to repress your need to question life or those around you. You may also stifle any need for adventure and struggle with feelings of restlessness because you are so opposed to the idea of change.

In terms of fashion, Lilith in Sagittarius, you hardly ever switch up your style. You know what you like and what you’re comfortable with, and rarely deviate from your signature look. That being said, I encourage you to try to step outside of your comfort zone every once in a while. Give a new trend a chance, even if it opposes your normal style. I know change can be scary, but it’s the only way you’ll grow and discover new things to love about yourself!

Lilith in Capricorn

Those with Lilith in Capricorn feel ashamed of their ambitious nature. You view the urge to want to excel and succeed in terms of worldly goals and desires as wrong. You tend to avoid those who are business-minded, status-conscious, or materialistic, and you find it difficult to connect with your own ambitions, as well as find an appreciation for the ambitions of others.

In terms of fashion, you tend to lean toward ensembles that accentuate your femininity. You like to be perceived as “girlie” and “cute” and tend to stay away from “power” outfits like suits. But you don’t have to major in business to agree that blazers are a great addition to any outfit! Wanting to look polished and professional, even if it’s just for interviews and meetings, isn’t a bad thing. You can be the boss and still be soft and feminine!  Find whatever makes you feel powerful and own it.

Lilith in Aquarius

Those with Lilith in Aquarius feel ashamed for wanting to fit in or be part of a group. You may feel the urge to branch out and try something new or different, but then always snuff out those feelings of going against the status quo. You are drawn to things that are unique and interesting, but tend to not let yourself actually enjoy them.

In terms of fashion, you try to stay away from wearing clothes that are different or unique. You want to blend in. Even if you are always buying new clothes that you find fun and interesting, you probably never let them see anything besides the inside of your closet. Allowing yourself to buy these clothes is a good first step, but I challenge you to go even further by actually taking them out for a spin! Allow yourself to be different. You can still be part of something without being a carbon copy of everyone else.

Lilith in Pisces

Those with Lilith in Pisces struggle with embracing their compassionate nature and spiritual sides. You are afraid of coming off as needy or weak, so you tend to overcorrect by projecting a persona that’s very stoic and strong. 

Because you reject the softer side of yourself, in terms of fashion, you tend to reject “girlie” or “sweet” outfits.  You like to stay away from pastels as well, especially the traditional pinks, purples, and blues. But, remember, humans are complex and multidimensional. You can still wear a pink dress with a leather jacket to embody both edgy and cute. You can wear a pastel blue blouse with your ripped jeans and combat boots, and I encourage those with this Lilith to do so! Being feminine is not inherently weak. That’s a stereotype that has been in use for generations, but we want to dismantle that fallacy.  Try to embrace all sides of who you are in whatever way that’s most comfortable for you.

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