Where to Find Your Happy Place (Water Signs)

Where to find your happy place, water signs - silhouette of woman in front of blue purple sunset

Your hearts bleed for the ones you love, my dear water signs.  You are the most emotional of the zodiac — even those of you who don’t like to admit it *cough cough* Scorpio *cough cough*

Most of you already make a habit of spending ample time alone. It’s important to ensure you prioritize making time to do so, especially around the holidays.  Because you give your affections so freely, you need to spend additional time recuperating and giving yourself the same love you so willingly give to others.

Cancer — Under Your Covers

Cancer - under your covers - woman sitting on bed reading a book

You are the ultimate empath, my sweet Cancer.  You have the natural ability to absorb and reflect the emotions of those around you.  This makes you a fantastic friend and confidant. However, it also makes it difficult for you to distinguish between your feelings and those of your loved ones.

When you need alone time, you have to shut out the entire world.  Putting yourself in complete isolation is the only way you’ll be able to discern if what you’re feeling is actually you.  This process of unraveling your emotions can take time. Set a firm boundary with loved ones that you are not to be disturbed while you decompress.

That being said, sometimes you aren’t always able to retreat to the comfort of your bed.  In these moments, take a page out of Scorpio’s playbook.  Find a dark corner, take some deep breaths, and reground yourself. You’ll be able to fully untangle and process everything you’re feeling once you’re home again.

Scorpio — On a Hike

Scorpio - on a hike - woman sitting on rock at lake in wilderness at night and looking at stars

When it comes to giving yourself some alone time, you don’t need to be told twice, my dear Scorpio!  All your loved ones know that you are not to be bothered when you need some time to yourself, but that doesn’t mean you won’t completely remove yourself from human civilization, anyway.

You’ll be the first to jump in a car and find the nearest national or state park. Even just a local trail for you to get lost on for a while will work.  No, you aren’t happy until you lose cell phone reception — that way no one can reach you, even if they tried!  You need your happy place to feature just you and the great outdoors.  No other humans allowed!

If you aren’t in close proximity to a park or trail, put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” and take a few laps around the neighborhood.  It may not be ideal, but the walk will set you straight until you’re able to get lost in the wilderness once more.

Pisces — Your Window Alcove

Pisces - your window alcove - woman sitting on window alcove seat in city with plant nearby

Pisces, you are the undisputed master of daydreaming — we know you have a spot set up in your home dedicated to supporting your time spent lost in the clouds.  You either have a designated window seat, or you’ve moved your biggest, coziest chair to the window to give you a prime view of the clouds and the world outside.

Yes, you could stay here for hours, preferably with a warm cup of coffee or tea to keep you company.  It’s the perfect place to sort through your thoughts or forget all your problems for a while by drifting off to an imaginary land you’ve concocted.  Sometimes, you just need an escape before you can return to any pressing issues at hand.

While your own personal window alcove at home is your ideal place, let’s face it — any window can act as your secret gateway to a fantasy world, if you really need it to.  It doesn’t even really matter how many people are around you!  You could be at a crowded party, attending a monotonous lecture, or even riding on a public bus.  As long as there’s a window nearby, you’ll have a respite from the real world into one of your own making.  It’s truly an enviable quality!

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius — Where to Find Your Happy Place (Fire Signs)!

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn — Where to Find Your Happy Place (Earth Signs)!

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius — Where to Find Your Happy Place (Air Signs)!

And be sure to subscribe below to catch next month’s mini blog series!

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