Self Care for the Holidays: Earth Signs
(Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn)
** Remember to check both sun & moon signs! And subscribe to The Ramm Report for the rest of the signs’ self-care for the holidays!
The holiday season is the time of year where you all shine the brightest, earth signs. You’re the ones who probably volunteered to host the big family gatherings or the smaller friends’ holiday parties. You’re the caretakers. Your loved ones are what’s most important to you, and you want to do everything in your power to ensure they have a great time.
However, be mindful of biting off more than you can chew. While the holidays are 🎵 the most wonderful time of the year 🎵, they can also be the most stressful.
Taurus: Don’t get caught up in the little things

As the most dependable of the zodiac, you’re probably trying to overcompensate for the stress and unpredictability that consumed most of the past year and a half. You are the embodiment of stability, Taurus, and all you want is to provide a safe space for your loved ones to reside and enjoy themselves. You are caring to the core. Your friends and family love you for that, but you have to remember that this past year and a half has been traumatic for everyone.
We all heal and process in our own way, and you need to give others the space to do so, even if it means they can’t make the party this year or they accidentally brought beef instead of ham. Don’t get so caught up in the little details that you forget to enjoy the big picture. You’re getting to spend the holidays with those you love, and that’s the important thing.
Virgo: Learn to accept praise

The holiday season is a very busy time of the year for you, Virgo. You’re constantly working overtime behind the scenes to ensure the festivities run smoothly for everyone else. The holidays give you a purpose, and you thrive on each check mark on your to-do list. You have such a big heart, Virgo, but rarely do you let others see it. Your loved ones truly appreciate all that you do. Instead of modestly shrugging off every compliment, learn to accept them with pride.
Don’t focus so much on the imperfections of the evening. It’s not your fault if your grandma’s Christmas cookies didn’t turn out exactly like she used to make them. You don’t have to shoulder the burden or blame when things don’t go according to plan. It never does when it comes to family! Instead, focus on all the good you’ve done and allow yourself to bask in your accomplishments for just a moment, before you go racing off to find the next mess that needs fixing.
Capricorn: Allow others to lend you a helping hand

Well, Capricorn, we all know you were the first to take charge over the holiday planning. You already had the invitations sent out, the secret Santa set up, and the potluck recipes assigned before everyone else finished digesting their Thanksgiving turkey. What would your loved ones do without you?
I know that you can do it all, Capricorn, but I want you to remember this holiday season that you don’t have to. Allow others to lend a hand, even if you think you don’t need it. This is a time of togetherness, generosity, and love. I know you want to be self-sufficient, but wouldn’t it be easier if you trusted your loved ones enough to delegate some things to them? Allow them to ease your burden just a little, so you aren’t running yourself ragged for the entire month of December. It’s not a sign of weakness to accept help from family and friends. It’s a show of love.

Overall, the biggest thing I want you to understand, earth signs, is that you need to allow yourself to enjoy the holidays! Self-care means allowing yourself the privilege to exist and find pleasure in the moment. You work so hard all year long. Allow yourself to bask in the fruits of your labor and enjoy the company of your loved ones this year.
At the very least, you deserve it.
Stay safe, stay sane, and we here at Rogue Ramms hope you have a very happy holiday!