If you’ve read my author’s bio, you’ll see that I’ve moved around A LOT since I left my hometown to go to college.
I’m talking multiple times a year on a student budget, okay?
Even though I’m “all grown up” now, I still remember how hard it was when I was first starting out. But believe me when I tell you how important it is to invest in your space. I know decorating can be expensive, but it doesn’t always have to be.
Whether you’re moving into a new place or you’re just looking for some new ways to liven up your space, here are a couple of tips and tricks to make your home feel more homey.
Fill up those blank walls

You don’t have to break the bank by buying over $500 worth of cutesy paintings and throw pillows at Target, okay?
This can be as easy as printing out some pictures of your family and friends to hang around your house or apartment. CVS or Walgreens have great deals on printing photos (and you can usually find coupons online for half off or more.)
Decorate the walls with maps of places you’ve been or postcards from where you’ve always wanted to travel to. Throw up some shelves and display your favorite books to give the room a little more character.
Or, if you think you’re up to the challenge, you can pick up painting, yourself! Even if you’re not super artsy, painting is therapeutic and fun! You’ll get better as you go, and the end result will be something you can be proud of to hang on your wall (or something you can laugh at and make fun of yourself for later).
Tapestries are a great option, as well. They aren’t too expensive and can take up an entire wall easily all on their own. We have some great selections available in our shop, or you can always check out your local arts and crafts fair for some great finds.
Filling up those blank walls with color and the smiling faces of those that you love will help boost your mood and make your house feel more like a home, not just not a place where you sleep and store your stuff.
Invest in some plant life

I know, I know, it’s what everyone always says. But do you know why buying plants is everyone’s first suggestion when it comes to sprucing up your home?
Because it WORKS.
I’m not saying you need to make your house or apartment look like the Amazon rainforest, but buy a plant or two, even if you don’t have a green thumb.
They don’t have to be high-maintenance like a bonsai tree, where you have to prune and water them daily. If you’re constantly on the go and need something low-commitment, buy a few succulents! You can water them once a month, stick them on a windowsill somewhere, and forget about them until the next month. (Just don’t actually forget about them. While accidentally killing a succulent is difficult, it’s not impossible, trust me!)
Or treat yourself to a fresh bouquet of flowers every once in a while. Your local grocery store usually sells them at a reasonable price. They look good, smell great, and can last for up to a couple of weeks as long as you keep them well watered!
You could invest in some fake plant life to provide a little bit of green in your space – if you’re truly convinced you have the touch of death and don’t want to try keeping anything alive – but I advise you to give the real thing a shot.
You’ll be amazed by how having something to take care of will help you remember to take care of yourself.
Let’s talk about lighting

It truly is astounding how something as simple as light can affect your space. We all need that Vitamin D, so you’re going to want to try to maximize natural light as much as possible. Organize your furniture to give sunlight a clear path to fill your home with its warmth.
If your house or apartment doesn’t give you much natural light or you work a day job that prohibits you from enjoying your home during daylight hours, don’t fret. There are ways around that.
First of all, you’re going to want to swap any blue-toned or cooler light bulbs in favor of warmer, yellow ones.
You’re also going to want to avoid any harsh overhead lighting. While great for when you’re working, overhead lighting isn’t the most soothing or inviting. I’d advise investing in a lamp or two that will cast a gentler glow for when you’re trying to relax and unwind.
String or lantern lights work wonders in setting a calmer, more intimate mood as well.
Roll out the rugs

I love hardwood floors as much as the next gal. They’re very easy to clean and maintain, and they look great! However, there is something a little cold and unforgiving about them.
That’s where rugs come in.
Not only do they add a pop of texture and color into your space, but they’re more comfortable to walk on than wood floors. I know those big area rugs can be a bit expensive, but a good rug can last you for years, if you take proper care of it.
Even just adding a couple of cheaper runner rugs in your kitchen or hallway or a plush bath mat onto your tiled bathroom floor can work wonders!
Clean your room!!

Sometimes we could all use a little reminder to keep things clean and tidy, especially when it comes to your bedroom. I know that after a long workweek, cleaning may not be at the top of your priority list, but you’ll be surprised by how much easier it is to relax if you’re doing so in a space that’s clean.
Your room is a reflection of your mind.
If it’s disorganized and full of clutter, how do you expect to get anything done? Plus, the last thing you want when you come home after a long day is to return to a space that fills you with anxiety and guilt because you know you should’ve cleaned it weeks ago.
It doesn’t have to take hours. Just dedicate some time to organizing your space up to your standards, and give your bookshelf or desk a good dusting.
You’ll feel so much lighter, I promise!
Pump in the good smells

There’s nothing more inviting than a good-smelling home.
Obviously, keeping your space clean is the best way to guarantee your house or apartment smells good; however, it’s always nice to add a little extra something, something.
Candles or wax warmers are a must, but I’d also advise investing in a diffuser. Believe me when I tell you, they can be life changing.
Not only can natural essential oils fill your home with fresh, clean scents, but they have other uses, as well. Diffusing lavender can help you sleep better, and peppermint, eucalyptus, and tea tree oils are natural pest deterrents. It’s a win-win!
Build yourself a sanctuary
This is my biggest tip for making your home feel homier.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to create a space in your house or apartment that is truly yours.
It can be as small as a little corner of the living room or as large as your entire bedroom.
It doesn’t matter.
You just need to dedicate a safe space where you’re able to retreat, rest, and recoup after a busy week.
I would strongly recommend this place be somewhere where you can be reclusive, and you’re still able to make it personable and your own. Somewhere like your favorite isolated corner in the living room, your bedroom, or the balcony (if you’re lucky enough to have one!). Set boundaries with roommates or loved ones so that when you’re in this space, you are not to be disturbed.
It’s a place you can feel comfortable going to be alone, a place to decompress.
No phones allowed!!
This is a space for you to be alone with your thoughts. Journal, read, enjoy a hot cup of tea or coffee, or just stare into the void and let yourself process all of the emotions you’ve been avoiding throughout the week, if you’re someone who (like me) tends to push emotions to the side so you can be more productive. You can’t run forever, and building a safe space to confront your feelings will help make dealing with them a lot easier.
Stock up on your favorite cozy blankets to burrow in, and make sure you have a comfortable chair or couch to sit on. If you prefer to feel more grounded, you can always just find a spot on the floor.
Light some candles or incense and allow yourself some time to just exist in the moment. Decorate this space with what centers and grounds you, whether it be plants, pictures, or a painting you created.
I promise you, not only will this sanctuary help you feel more comfortable in your space, but your mind and body will thank you for giving it the time that it needs to rest.