Your Black Moon Lilith sign is part of you, outlined in your birth chart. It illuminates the parts of your personality that you’re insecure about. This can manifest as tendencies you’re ashamed of or the sides of yourself you repress instinctively.
This isn’t the first time we’ve discussed Lilith signs. If you need a Lilith refresher, you can check out our blog “Your Lilith Sign & Fashion (And How to Overcome It),” or you can look up your sign HERE!
Lilith in Aries

If your Lilith is in Aries, you may have trouble focusing your energy, taking the lead, or expressing any great passion — no matter how badly you may want to! Sometimes you feel yourself in the grip of a gothic depression, where you remain stagnant. This fear of being lost in a great sadness can cause an immense internal struggle that makes it difficult for you to embrace the joys of life.
Lilith Aries, your design is representative of your state of inactivity and motionlessness. Can you see yourself longing for something more, but not quite knowing what that is or how to find it? The colors are deep and dark to signify sadness and the depression you feel from your inner turmoil.
However, the bright, red hair signifies the dormant potential for boldness, passion, and aliveness — you are still connected to your bold and bright side! You have the strength to let go of your insecurities and reconnect with your inner passion (or discover new passions!). Remember that you are not alone, and you are meant to exist — you are meant to live.
Lilith in Taurus

You who have your Lilith in Taurus fear inadequacy. You tend to focus too much on dressing up and adorning yourself with trinkets in an attempt to appear more interesting. In the end, this will never satisfy you, Lilith Taurus, because the judgment is your own that you are not interesting enough. No matter how many things you keep around you, you will never find your satisfaction there.
My dear Lilith Taurus, you likely see your face as plain, or having basic features — even though Tauruses are ruled by Venus. You are attractive, but you feel plainer than the other signs of the zodiac. Most of your eye-catching qualities are the things you added to yourself, like your nose ring, money-piece highlights, or thick eyeliner.
But notice, in the design — her emerald, green eyes are truly alluring! They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, and these are a natural trait you can be proud of. This signifies you’re naturally much more interesting than you give yourself credit for. While the extra additions may amplify your beauty, who you truly are at your core is more interesting.
Lilith in Gemini

If your Lilith is in Gemini, you don’t feel comfortable opening up and showing your true self. You fear being too easy to anticipate, too predictable, or too set in your ways. You worry that you’ll be seen as dull, unchanging, boring — so, you hide behind a mask. You try to shield who you are, never letting anyone see your full, true self.
Gemini Lilith, the mask you wear gives you away! It acts as a shield to keep you safe — the mask’s skin is thick and protective, the eyes are almost blank, naive — you intend that no one will be able to read them. But the real you is yearning to see around that mask, even though your fear is strong enough to keep you behind.
However, you do sneak a peek around that mask as much as you can! Those who love you can catch a glimpse of your true self if they only pay close attention. Slowly, you may be revealed — and maybe you will realize that the white lines of your moon are wavy and unpredictable for a reason — and you are not so easy to anticipate, after all.
Lilith in Cancer

Poor Cancer Lilith — you are bombarded with emotions. You struggle with a whirlwind of surrounding emotions that is too full to be controlled or handled by just you. You fear being swept away and carried off and lost into this swirling sea of feelings.
You look tired, Cancer Lilith — we can see in your eyes the overwhelming weight of the tumultuous sea that is burdening you. Even your necklace strains. Its band is transparent and changes color based on whatever is being absorbed by you moment by moment.
However, my Cancer Lilith, the crab pinchers coming out of your head are more than just a reference to your sign, itself. They are a symbol of your strength! While you may feel overpowered at times, you are actually equipped with all that you need to work through all these emotions. Hold on — you can handle this!
Lilith in Leo

If your Lilith is in Leo, you often find yourself the center of attention, but you don’t feel worthy of being there. This shows a lack confidence and lower self-esteem. Do you fear that everyone will see you as a fraud? Maybe you have “imposter syndrome,” worrying that at any moment you will be exposed as a fake?
Leo Lilith, you are not hard on the eyes — you are stunning. Your hair glows like the sun, and your smile is radiant. But (if we look closely) we see that your smile doesn’t quite reach your eyes. We see your bulky, black, thick jewelry’s true purpose — to distract us from seeing the real you.
You are much more than meets the eye! We can see your intelligence in your eyes. You’ve chosen to adorn your moon with soft, half-circles that symbolize your vulnerability and imperfection. This signifies that, if you learn to embrace your flaws, you will shine that much brighter! Have the courage to stay true to yourself — and know that you earn your wins, you don’t fake them.
Lilith in Virgo

Dear Virgo Lilith, you strive to maintain a façade of purity and perfection. You tolerate nothing less than upholding these ideals for yourself, but those ideals can never be lived up to. You fear you will never be good enough, that you will never reach the (unattainable) standard you’ve set for yourself. So, you wear a veneer of impeccability, hoping that others will think you have everything figured out.
You try so hard and strive for the highest level of everything, but your bar is set so high! You are a study in “almosts” and represent a flawed portrayal of purity. Your color is soft pink, not true white, and you wear a crown of roses, not lilies. Even your moon, covered with transparent, small half-circles, shows the truth by signifying vulnerability and imperfection (though they’re transparent — you wish that they would just disappear into the background).
Virgo Lilith, there is hope. Your eyes are closed, blocking you from the judgment. It’s difficult to judge what you can’t see! You will learn to accept yourself as an imperfect being — as we all are — rather than fighting to reach the unattainable ideal. You will grow!
Lilith in Libra

If your Lilith is in Libra, you crave balance. You seek stability and certainty, where everything has its place and no questions remain, but you fear a blindness that leaves you unable to decide where everything goes. You fear being tangled in those gray areas, instead of neat, black and white boxes.
Your design, Libra Lilith, is turning into shades of gray, symbolizing your fear of gray. You are also wearing a blindfold — transparent, changing — mirroring the indecision you fear so much. Even your moon is out of whack — the simple crescent is made into another “gray area” with arbitrarily-drawn white lines.
On one hand, you are being taken over by indecision (gray choices), with nothing clearly in an orderly black and white. On the other hand, you are growing and learning from this insecurity. The bowls hanging on the scale, and your hair, itself, are embracing the shades of grey that are overtaking them. This symbolizes your ultimate attainment of a deeper understanding, an acknowledgement that the gray areas in life are necessary to uncover the real truths. Life is too complicated to be categorized and simplified. All parts must be accepted and understood in order to achieve true order and balance.
Lilith in Scorpio

If your Lilith is in Scorpio, your psyche is a closed book that you don’t want to open to anyone, not even a crack. This self-imposed isolation isn’t done for intimidation or malice, rather it’s an act of preservation to protect your core self from getting hurt. Scorpio Lilith, you are able to separate your mind from your body. You can keep your physical self open, while keeping your emotional self securely guarded.
From the band of spikes arranged protectively on your head, to the barbed wire resting on your moon, it’s easy to see the lengths you will go to protect yourself. Even your hair lays defensively across your chest, acting as a shield.
Scorpio Lilith, past your spikes and barbed wire, the rest of your body lays bare. Your eyes are a bright green symbol of life and generosity, and your hair color grows into a deep purple, which symbolizes wisdom and mystery. The mere act of exposing these clues to us shows that you have not completely shielded yourself from the world. Despite the scars you’ve experienced, you’ve not truly given up on humanity. You are cautious and guarded, but you are far from being detached or uncaring.
Lilith in Sagittarius

Sagittarius Lilith, do you feel that there are holes in your life? Do you feel you are always chasing an elusive something? And you worry that sometimes you are too naive or too wild. You feel as if there is no safety or foundation on which you can steady yourself and find respite. You suffer from the worst cases of FOMO.
You, Sagittarius Lilith, have big, bright, wide eyes to symbolize your natural curiosity and naivete. The holes in your moon signify those holes you are always chasing to fill! You are missing something in the foundation of your life — the thing you’re always searching for, but never finding.
However, you have a strong jaw, and that should tell you you’re more capable than you think. Your hair may be a little wild and messy, but it isn’t matted or out of control — it suits you. The stars around your head show that, while you may be the most untamed and wild of the zodiac, the stars are guiding you! You have luck on your side. You will always find your way back home, even if you get a little lost along the way.
Lilith in Capricorn

If your Lilith is in Capricorn, you can be logical to a fault. You are plagued by your need to be ambitious and driven to success, but at what cost? Has your world turned boring and passionless? Even you, Capricorn Lilith, worry that you’ve lost your ability to feel alive at times. You fear you will never feel passion and aliveness again — that you’ve packed them away in a box forever.
Because this box is packed away, you lack the bright, bold colors of passion. You fear you’ve faded to a lusterless version of yourself. Your dark green horns and the squiggly “three” pattern on your moon symbolize both your connection to wealth and all the manifestations of success.
However, we who truly see you sense a mystery, symbolized by your no-nonsense eyes being playfully hidden by your bangs. You have your secrets, and you feel the wonderful jolt of electricity in having those secrets. These unknowns that you choose to keep for yourself are what help you remember to live your life to the fullest.
Lilith in Aquarius

Aquarius Lilith, you have quite a dilemma — you have such a strong yearning to fit in, yet you fear becoming just another face in the crowd if you do. The balance you crave cannot be achieved in real life. You fear never finding your place, but you also fear that joining that place will remove your sense of individuality.
You keep your face plain and use basic hair accessories — symbolizing your inner desire to fit in with everyone else. But your bright blue hair belies your need to stand out! What made you think you could concoct a mixture out of these two dynamic opposites? Despite your yearning to fit in somewhere, you will always be different.
I promise, you will be okay, Aquarius Lilith. Your moon is transparent (instead of black), and you wear dark clothes (unlike the other Lilith zodiacs). We all know (even if you don’t realize it, yet) that you would never be happy among the crowd. But don’t worry — there’s a comfort and contentedness in embracing your uniqueness, while also finding those who accept you for who you are. You may never really fit in, but you will find people who love you for you.
Lilith in Pisces

Dear, dear Pisces Lilith — you are always lost in the clouds, living an imagined life. You love your daydreams and all they offer, but it’s hard for you to break away from those daydreams. You fear that reality is not all that it’s cracked up to be, that it wouldn’t be better than — or even close to — those dreams.
Your design, Pisces Lilith, represents you as a dreamer. Your hair is like the big, fluffy clouds you lose yourself in, and the stars on your moon further symbolize how you surround yourself — cocoon yourself, really — within the beauty of your dreams.
Have you noticed there are twelve stars on your moon? Obviously, you are the twelfth zodiac sign. But more than that, Pisces Lilith, these twelve stars symbolize positivity, growth, completion, and faith in the universe. Although you are a dreamer, your dreams support your positive mindset, and you are gaining growth and understanding in your journey. You will find your way — don’t give up.