Crystals can be a fun and versatile addition to any household.
You can wear them as jewelry, carry them around in your pocket, or simply scatter them around your home.
Aside from their obvious beauty, crystals are great tools for manifestation, which basically means they can help you to will your thoughts and dreams into focus.
They emit different energies and vibrations that can have an effect on and amplify your energy and mood. Some people find them very helpful to focus and manifest their best selves.
We have matched some crystals and their benefits to every room in your house.
Why not give these crystals a try and see how they improve your energy!
Bedroom — Turquoise

Turquoise is so much more than the modern-day birthstone for March. In fact, turquoise is said to be the perfect healing stone for your mental and emotional health.
It’s a stone of purification, helping to dispel negative energy and protect you from the outside world. It is also said to help those who are suffering from burnout.
Your bedroom is supposed to be a place of rest and healing; a safe space for you to retreat to at the end of the day. Turquoise emits an energy of serenity and peace to help you relax and recharge. It will help you to shake your spirit free and release the negative energy you’ve been carrying around throughout the day.
Turquoise is a truth seeker. It’s the perfect stone to aid in self-reflection and to guide you on your journey of self-discovery. It will help you find your inner truth.
Your bedroom is the one place in your home where you should be able to fully be yourself, and turquoise will help you to discover who your true self really is.
Living Room — Rose Quartz

The living room is typically the central gathering place — or the heart of the home. It’s where loved ones come together for movie and game nights or to just share a drink and enjoy each other’s company.
Rose quartz is known as the stone of unconditional love.
Not just romantic love either, even though that is typically what people associate it with. While rose quartz can be used to attract love into your life, it promotes love of all kinds whether it be romantic, platonic, familial, and even self-love — which is arguably the most important love of all.
From my experience, the living room is typically also the place where the most familial discussions and disagreements take place. Rose quartz opens and helps to heal the heart.
It encourages compassion and forgiveness to help ease even the most passionate of family squabbles.
Rose quartz is also said to balance all matters of the heart and aid in healing emotional wounds, while removing negativity and restoring harmony after a conflict.
(I’m sure for some of you this would’ve been useful to know before the holidays, but hey, now you can stock up for next year!)
Kitchen — Aventurine

I’m sure that we’re all well aware that the kitchen can be a very hectic and chaotic place, especially when you’re cooking big or complicated meals for special occasions.
But feeding your friends and family is nurturing and a way to show love!
That’s why aventurine, which is said to promote compassion and empathy while also supporting health and communication, is the perfect addition to any kitchen.
It fosters patience and is used for calming anger and irritation.
So if your partner accidentally adds a cup of salt instead of sugar to your famous molten lava cake — while you’ll still probably send them out of the room or assign them to dishes duty — you’ll be a lot less likely to fly off the handle.
Aventurine is also a crystal of prosperity and good luck, which could definitely be a big help when you’re attempting a complicated recipe for the first time.
It encourages perseverance and aids in seeking alternative solutions and possibilities, because cooking is not just about following directions, it’s also all about thinking on your feet and having to quickly improvise.
Most importantly, it is said that aventurine helps to balance male/female energy, making your kitchen a more stable and balanced place to be. It becomes neutral ground where everyone can lend a helping and supportive hand.
Bathroom — Selenite

When it comes to the bathroom, we want a crystal that purifies and cleanses your energy, which is why we chose selenite.
Associated with Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon, selenite’s powerfully high vibrational energy is one of the most powerful and best for recharging both yourself and your other crystals.
It promotes peace and calm and is great for balancing the energy in your home.
Selenite is the perfect crystal to set on the edge of your bathtub while you take a well-deserved bubble bath at the end of a long week.
It helps you to clear blocked energy and to let go of things that may be holding you back.
Selenite is used to bring clarity to those who need it, and I don’t know about you, but typically I get my best ideas in the shower when I have the time to really mull things over.
Home Office/Study — Tiger’s Eye

If you find yourself stuck in a creative rut or are having trouble staying motivated, then tiger’s eye is the crystal for you.
This golden-brown stone is said to help awaken motivation and boost creativity, giving you the confidence to create again.
Tiger’s eye pushes away toxic energy and helps to overcome mental roadblocks.
It helps to fuel decision-making and fight procrastination, which is why this stone would work best in the area of your home where you need to focus and get work done. If you don’t have a room specifically dedicated as an office or study, then you can simply keep it on your desk or near your workspace.
Tiger’s eye is also said to be a great help to those who are struggling with their own self-worth. It is used to increase determination and overcome fear.
It allows you to embrace your inner tigress, giving you the strength to take on any challenge life throws your way.
Other Honorable Mentions to Keep Around Your House:

Another powerful healing crystal, amethyst works to undo stress and negativity while giving a boost in strength and protection.
It’s used to reduce anxiety and your perception of pain. Tracing all the way back to the ancient Greeks and their god of wine, Dionysus, amethyst is said to be a very sobering crystal and is often used to help treat addictions.
This stone would work best as another addition to your bedroom or living room, or even just to carry around with you throughout the day. It absorbs negative energy and creates an air of tranquility, while also providing feelings of contentment and diffusing any tensions in the home.

Bloodstone is a stone of courage.
Similar to tiger’s eye, bloodstone increases your motivation and creative energy, as well as boosts strength, confidence, and resilience.
It is said to help with decision making and raising your self-esteem.
It also helps build tenacity and strength of mind to help you accomplish whatever you need to get done, so this would be another useful gem to keep around your office or workspace.
It is also said that the bloodstone is useful for when you are at your lowest. It helps you turn your luck around and keep moving forward.

Garnet is the stone of renewal and a symbol of hope, which makes sense as it’s the modern-day birthstone for January.
It is the crystal most recommended for cleansing, realigning, and energizing all your chakras.
It’s a stone of commitment and dedication, and another symbol for courage.
It is said to awaken your “inner fire” and help to activate and strengthen your survival instincts.
It’s a great stone to have on hand if you’re looking for a fresh start and could use something to help you stay focused. Its restorative energy is said to help bring peace and happiness into your everyday life.

Similar to rose quartz, rhodonite is often referred to as the “Stone of Love”.
It is a stone of compassion and works to stimulate, clear, and activate the heart.
Unlike rose quartz, however, rhodonite places a greater emphasis on healing the heart rather than attracting others to it. This crystal is used to reactivate and heal old wounds and scars left on your heart so that you may learn to open yourself up to love again.
It is an emotional balancer and is used to promote self-love above all else. After all, you can’t love someone else until you are able to love yourself first.
It is also used to help you achieve your highest potential and helps to reduce anxiety so that you may find your inner strength that is needed to push you through even the darkest of times.
Just a reminder to always be mindful and shop ethically when it comes to where you buy your crystals.
We want to support local miner communities as much as we can and avoid purchasing from major corporations whenever we can help it.
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