ARIES (March 21st – April 20th) – Independence Day
As the youngest of the zodiac, an Aries has the tendency to be bold and brash. They are passionate, fierce, and always ready for a fight.
Aries aren’t always necessarily looking for conflict, but they crave excitement and will never turn down the opportunity to stir the pot and make things interesting.
Independence Day is all about celebrating freedom, and anyone with an Aries in their life knows how hard they fight for not only their personal freedom, but also the freedoms of those around them.
With their fiery attitude, they are unapologetically ready to defend their strong opinions, and are more than happy to courageously declare their beliefs for any and all to hear.
They are confident, proud, and always ready for a challenge.
The Aries in our lives reminds us of the importance of sticking up for yourself and fighting for what you believe in, even if it goes against the status quo.
Not every explosion ends in disaster, and sometimes your beautiful spark is what’s needed to light up the night sky.

TAURUS (April 21st – May 21st) – Thanksgiving
As one of the greatest caretakers of the zodiac, a Taurus takes pride in keeping everyone together. They try their best to embody the perfect holiday host.
They are as steady and dependable as the Earth itself, just trying to make a home where everyone can feel welcomed and safe.
While the real origins of Thanksgiving aren’t something we should really be celebrating, over the years the holiday has evolved into a day centered around loved ones coming together to celebrate all the things they’re thankful for and bask in each other’s company over a delicious meal.
Taurus themselves tend to favor Thanksgiving over Christmas because Thanksgiving takes out the extra element of materialism. It truly is a day dedicated to spending time with all your loved ones together in one place.
All Taurus remind us to be grateful for and appreciate the ones we love, and how important it is to spend quality time with one another.
Home is where the heart is, and there’s no better home than with a Taurus.

GEMINI (May 22nd – June 21st) – Halloween
Geminis are a sign that is constantly changing and evolving, dressing up and pulling out different parts of themselves with every new person they interact with. But oftentimes, it can be hard to read a Gemini. You never know what you’ll get — trick or treat?
As someone who’s extremely charismatic and versatile, it can even be said that they’re usually wearing a mask, hiding who they truly are.
Like those of us on Halloween, Geminis are often mistaken for dressing up as someone they are not; but in reality, Geminis are just very enthusiastic about everything they do and everyone they meet. They have very expressive faces and charming personalities.
Sometimes they do tend to hide behind a mask or even that intelligent humor they rely on so much, but for the most part, Geminis are just trying to get a grasp on who they are themselves.
Geminis serve as a reminder to us all that it’s alright to mix it up every once in a while.
It’s okay to put on a costume and embrace different facets of yourself that you’ve never felt comfortable exploring before. You never know what you’ll discover if you never dare to take a look under the surface.

CANCER (June 22nd – July 22nd) – Valentine’s Day
Anyone who is fortunate enough to be blessed with a Cancer for a best friend or significant other knows just how much they enjoy displaying their love for those they care about.
Unafraid of their emotions, Cancers wear their hearts on their sleeves.
These enamored, sentimental souls are all about grand gestures and going above and beyond for those they love.
Valentine’s Day provides the perfect excuse for Cancers to show off to their loved ones how much they care.
Whether it’s planning an elaborate trip with their significant other, complete with rose petals on the bed and a bottle of champagne, or a festive Galantine’s Day bash with heart-shaped cookies and lots of booze, you can always depend on a Cancer to ensure your holiday is nothing less than perfection.
Everyone needs an emotional-support Cancer to remind you not only how much you are loved, but how important it is to remind your friends and family how much you care about them. Learn the love languages of those around you and observe your own as well, so everyone in your life can feel as loved as Cancers make you feel.

LEO (July 23rd – August 23rd) – Their Birthday
Like the sun itself, Leos tend to enjoy being at the very center of everything. It’s no surprise that the holiday they’re most like is the one where it’s socially acceptable to make the day be all about them.
While a birthday isn’t technically considered a holiday, we all know that any Leo would make their birthday a global celebration if they could, and anyone who’s attended a Leo birthday party knows that it certainly feels like one.
Don’t get me wrong, just because Leos like to be the center of attention, it doesn’t mean they are inherently narcissistic.
Quite the opposite in fact, Leos have a fierce love for their friends and family, and a birthday party is just the perfect excuse to get everyone they love together to celebrate one thing they all have in common: them!
Having a Leo in your life serves as a good reminder of the importance to celebrate yourself every once in a while. After all, the sun must be nourished and warm, itself, before it can warm others.

VIRGO (August 24th – September 22nd) – St. Brigid’s Day (Imbolg)
Virgos are often very kind and gentle souls who feel very deeply for their loved ones. They need to feel useful and are always on the move.
Represented by the maiden, Virgos are constantly working diligently behind the scenes to ensure that those they love are taken care of and protected.
On the first of February, St. Brigid’s Day is celebrated in Ireland as the first day of Spring.
Traditionally, it was sacred to the maidens of the village, a day where the women were treated with the utmost respect.
They would create little dolls out of straw to represent St. Brigid and leave scraps of cloth outside on their doorstep for St. Brigid to bless as she walks the earth. This cloth would provide protection and healing throughout the upcoming year.
Like St. Brigid, a Virgo’s work is never done and they are needed by many, but that’s just the way they like it. We could all learn a thing or two from their altruistic, hardworking nature.

LIBRA (September 23rd – October 23rd) – Christmas
Libras have a true affinity for beauty. No other zodiac sign has a better eye for aesthetics and decor.
They’re the ones who put up the tree right after Thanksgiving, dressing it with an array of lights and glittery bows. Christmas time is a chance for Libras to show off their talents and soak up the admiration from friends, family, and neighbors alike.
Libras need to be noticed in order to feel validated. They are compassionate and loving.
To them, there’s no better way to show their loved ones they care than by giving them elaborate gifts wrapped in sparkly ribbons.
While a Libra appreciates beautiful things, they really only put in the effort so that those around them can enjoy being engulfed in an aesthetically-pleasing atmosphere.
Libras remind us to appreciate the hard work our loved ones put into making life beautiful. Maybe take some time to smell the roses, especially after Libras spent so much time maintaining them.

SCORPIO (October 24th – November 22nd) – Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)
It’s no secret that Scorpios tend to lean toward the otherworldly and the macabre, but with a ruling planet like Pluto, who can blame them?
They can come across as dark and brooding, but underneath that layer of mystery lies an incredibly emotional and sensitive heart. That being said, one of the only times you’ll catch a Scorpio being open and vulnerable around you is probably at a funeral.
Dia de los Muertos is a day that reunites the living with the dead.
It’s a day of remembrance and honoring those who have passed. While it sounds like a day filled with solemn grieving, it’s actually quite the opposite.
Dia de los Muertos encourages us to celebrate the dead with bright colors and their favorite foods, painted skulls and family altars. It’s a day full of contemplation of the realm beyond and a belief that love can cross even the boundaries of mortality.
Scorpios remind us that it’s okay to feel things deeply, even if you have trouble sharing those feelings with those around you.
You are allowed to express your emotions any way that feels right to you, even if it’s not the typical way that’s expected.
Sometimes your mourning process requires a skeleton-themed fiesta.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd – December 21st) – St. Patrick’s Day (Saint Pádraig)
We all love our fun-loving vagabond Sagittarius friends! These optimistic and fearless adventurers are always down to have a good time.
While they are often the first to jump into the fray when it comes to trying something new, they are perpetually restless and can be undisciplined at times.
St. Patrick’s Day takes place smack dab in the middle of lent, and it’s historically the one day that Catholics can take a break from their prescribed abstinence to let loose and have some fun.
With the cheerful bar-hopping, green beer, and non-stopping partying, St. Patrick’s Day has a reputation for getting a little out of control.
But as a day of merriment and jubilation, sometimes that’s just to be expected.
The Sagittarius’ in our lives teaches us to release our inhibitions, that it’s okay to let loose every once in a while. It’s healthy to let go and allow yourself to live in the moment. Even the strictest of folks deserve to enjoy themselves every now and again.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd – January 20th) – New Year’s
There’s one thing you can always count on when it comes to Capricorns — they get things DONE.
With their planners and to-do lists in hand, there’s no project they can’t take on, no obstacle they can’t tackle. They are constantly competing with themselves and always looking for ways they can improve.
New Year’s marks a fresh start.
It’s a time for being honest with yourself and setting goals for the upcoming year ahead. It’s a clean slate, where the sky’s the limit to what you feel you can accomplish if you put your mind to it!
When we make our New Year’s resolutions, we are embodying everything that Capricorns stand for. With their dedicated, disciplined, and responsible nature, we could all stand to take a page out of a Capricorn’s book.
After all, they are the masters of achievement.

AQUARIUS (January 21st – February 18th) – Pride Month
Aquarius is a sign that prides itself on being different. They often ask themselves, “Why can’t I just be normal?” Only to answer in the next breath, “Because normal is boring!”
They go out of their way to be weird and unique, and tend to live their lives in direct opposition to how the world wants them to be.
An Aquarius values personal freedom above all else, so it only makes sense for them to embody an entire month dedicated to the freedom of expression and love, and of unabashedly being who you truly are.
Pride is a time for celebrating as a community, for coming together with others like you who understand the struggles you’re facing. But it’s also a time of celebrating your individuality and the personal victories you have achieved.
As a member of or friend to the LGBTQ+ community, you have a whole month to celebrate the uniqueness of you.
The Aquarius of the world remind us not only to embrace the things that make us different, but to be proud of them.
It doesn’t matter if it makes you the black sheep of your family. As the old axiom says: the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.

PISCES (February 19th – March 20th) – World Poetry Day
As the eldest in the zodiac, most Pisces are considered “wise beyond their years.”
Pisces aren’t ones for anything flashy or gaudy or “in your face.” These old souls prefer to keep things low-key and subtle, so they can really appreciate the world and all of its splendors.
They are mystical, artistic folks, who love nothing more than to get lost in a beautiful daydream.
Established by UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization), World Poetry Day is a day that celebrates those who dared to pen their ponderings and share their innermost thoughts with the world.
It’s a day dedicated to artistic expression and appreciating all that is beautiful or tragic or anything that makes you feel something.
Everyone could use a Pisces in their life to show them the poetry of the world. They remind you that there truly is beauty in everything — the good, the bad, and even the ugly, as long as one is open to seeing it.

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