Are you pregnant, expecting your first (or fourth) child? It’s natural to be curious about what your little bundle of joy will be like!
From your approximate due date, you can guess which zodiac sign your baby will be below:
March 21st through April 20th = Aries
April 21st through May 21st = Taurus
May 22nd through June 21st = Gemini
June 22nd through July 22nd = Cancer
July 23rd through August 23rd = Leo
August 24th through September 22nd = Virgo
September 23rd through October 23rd = Libra
October 24th through November 22nd = Scorpio
November 23rd through December 21st = Sagittarius
December 22nd through January 20th = Capricorn
January 21st through February 18th = Aquarius
February 18th through March 20th = Pisces

An Aries child is an active and impulsive soul.
For example, they aren’t trying to be reckless when they jump off the dining room table onto a yoga ball. It’s more like they speak with their bodies before their brains can catch up.
Action is before thought.
Especially as they become toddlers, you may begin to feel less like a parent and more like a “no” machine. Like being a parent has become only a matter of keeping your child alive.
Don’t worry though – as they learn to gain control of their bodies and you learn how to keep them busy, both of you will feel more comfortable and genuinely enjoy each other’s company.

As your little Aries grows, you’ll begin to see the positive aspects of their sign.
They make great leaders and are truly the most go-getting of the zodiac. They’re protective, especially of family, and will likely gravitate toward the more feminine parent.
Aries children do especially well with sports or other physical activities and with set schedules – and you’ll want to nurture this. Otherwise, you’ll soon realize your little Aries is likely to turn to destructive behavior when bored.
Keep in mind – this isn’t purposefully destructive behavior. More like, they’ll be the first of their group of friends to pave that dirt bike path through an unknown forest. Or, for example, they’ll eagerly be the first to try backflipping over a moving car.
However, with your loving guidance and as much of a consistent schedule as possible – your Aries will grow to become a passionate, protective adult with great leadership qualities.
Summary: physically active, action before thought, impulsive, leaders, needs a set schedule, needs sports and/or other physical activities, protective, gravitates toward more feminine parent.

A Taurus child is physical-world oriented.
They aren’t materialistic exactly. It’s more that how things look, smell, feel, taste, and even hear can change how a Taurus child feels.
For example, melodic lullabies and good smells may help them sleep well – and, likewise, loud noises and itchy blankets will keep them awake all night!
You’ll also notice these differences in day-to-day activities. For example, this sign is most likely to develop an emotional attachment to their baby blanket or favorite toy.
If you notice them carrying around a certain doll, for example, it may be beneficial to buy several duplicates for backup (in case, as toys mysteriously do, the doll breaks or disappears). But don’t let them know it’s not the “real” one!

As your Taurus baby grows, you’ll learn more about them slowly because they tend to be shy and quiet.
You’ll learn they deeply love family, however, and tend to be very chill and sweet individuals.
Something to keep in mind – they can require more alone time than you’re used to.
Some will see this as lazy and rude, especially as your Taurus becomes a teenager, but they need you to understand that it’s not laziness and rudeness as much as it is a need to recharge.
As long as you are a stable parent (for example, not popping in and out of their life) and you give them their space – you and your Taurus will likely develop a wonderful bond.
Summary: physical-world oriented, may develop attachments to things, shy, quiet, loves family, chill, sweet, needs alone time, needs understanding, needs stability.

A Gemini child is full of interest in the world around them.
Although they tend to have shorter attention spans and need more forms of entertainment, your Gemini child is likely to be intelligent and quick-witted.
They are ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication of course!
They’ll flourish having books and other such intellectual stimulations.
Gemini children are also charming. They make friends easily because they are friendly and little social butterflies – the leaders of their social group.
Keep in mind, however, this intellect can make them prone to manipulate others as they get older. They just get bored so easily.

To combat this, try to help foster their sensitive side and – above all – don’t let them manipulate you. You must stand firm on your parenting beliefs and decisions.
Although this may be difficult for you at times, your Gemini child will respect you so much more in the long run.
After they grow up, you’ll be blessed with a strong-spirited and well-liked individual who will likely never settle for anything less than true happiness in their life.
As you age, this adult will likely happily watch over you with respect and love.
Summary: interest-filled, short attention span, needs entertainment, intelligent, quick-witted, charming, friendly, social butterfly, leader, needs intellectual stimulation, needs you to stand firm on your parenting beliefs/decisions, strong-spirited, well-liked, never settles, respectful.

A Cancer child feels everything.
If you’re stressed, they’re stressed. If you’re scared, they’re scared. If you’re happy, they’ll feel that happiness too.
Because of this empath ability, they’re naturally curious about people and tend to get along with others well.
Also along with this ability, however, Cancer children may get upset easily and need more reassurance than the other signs.
Some may say that Cancers are all drama – and while it may seem like that at times – they are actually very chill individuals.

They tend to be sweet and caring. They enjoy having a home and family to care for.
Remember that they don’t try to absorb everyone’s energy – it just happens.
This is why you need to give them time away from everyone (including mom and dad) so they can separate out their own feelings from the flood and process them properly.
As long as you show your love for them and give them space, they’ll become stronger and more confident as they grow.
They tend to make excellent parents themselves and will likely find happiness with a calm life.
Summary: natural empaths, curious about people, easily upset, needs reassurance, sweet, caring, chill, needs affection, needs alone time, excellent parent someday, craves a calm life.

The Leo child is a people-oriented sign.
Even if your little one isn’t social, they will have a natural ability to charm and enchant. They are smiley and joyful. They want the fullness of life.
Other children are naturally drawn to their energy, and it’s no wonder – Leos are ruled by the sun!
However, no matter how confident and independent they portray themselves to be, Leo children tend to secretly have lower than average confidence and higher than average standards for themselves.

They are driven and stubborn. They care a lot about what people think of them because, for some reason, these children have come to associate attention with love.
So, while you may find your child’s constant “Look at me! See what I can do?” as annoying – remember that they view your reaction as a scale of how much love you have for them.
While these traits tend to make them excellent leaders and eventually successful adults, they’ll need you to be caring and non-judgmental.
Otherwise, they’ll never feel safe enough to let down their guard with you. And if they never let down their guard, you’ll never see the real and wonderful person they are underneath.
Summary: people-oriented, charming, joyful, full of life, low confidence, high standards, driven, stubborn, care what people think, associate attention with love, excellent leader, needs you to be caring and non-judgmental.

The Virgo child is analytical and organized.
This isn’t to say they’ll have a spotless room or have Einstein’s I.Q. (however, they tend to be more intelligent individuals). Instead, these traits can manifest in strange ways.
For instance, your little Virgo might have been playing in the fresh mud all afternoon – but requires a napkin to eat his chicken drumstick.
Or perhaps she hates math and other typical analytical pursuits – but she loves English because of how organized books are compared to real life.
Real life, by the way, is difficult for most Virgos to grasp. Although earth signs, these are the dreamy earth signs.

They gaze up at the sky while walking on the earth.
Real life isn’t as perfect and organized and logical as a Virgo believes it should be. This can cause a lot of frustration and anxiety.
To help your little Virgo relax, try to relax yourself. Lead by example. Tell them they’ve done a good job, even if they messed up one part.
Remind your child they are not the sum of their mistakes – nor of their perfections.
As they grow, they’ll love having you teach them and maybe even get to teach you something! They’ll gain confidence and turn their flaws into helpful action to accomplish their big, future goals.
Summary: analytical, organized, hard to grasp real life, perfectionist, logical, frustrated, anxious, needs to relax, needs you to lead by example, loves learning and teaching, big future planner.

The Libra child just wants peace.
You may find a simple conversation between which restaurant is the best as non-eventful. But for your little Libra, this can drain all their energy.
They crave peace between people they love. They tend to be people-oriented in the way they can naturally smooth over simple disagreements.
This trait can drive some crazy because Libras tend to have difficulty making decisions (or rather, saying those decisions out loud when they understand someone else has a differing opinion).
Along with this peacemaking side to them, however, they believe in justice and morals. They believe that the world should be fair.

You’ll need to comfort your little Libra as they realize this isn’t how the world works.
Just be there for them every day. You may excel in occupying their mind with other things, like taking them on a surprise beach trip or watching your favorite movie marathon together.
These distractions help Libras to cope as they process their feelings and come to terms with a situation.
If you can help them discover these basic coping mechanisms, then you may just have the next president or diplomat on your hands! They are sure to be charming, whatever they become.
Summary: craves peace, loses energy with even simple disagreements, loving, caring, trouble making decisions, peacemaker, believes in justice and morals, needs comfort, needs distractions, charming.

The Scorpio child requires honesty and personal space.
If you can do one other thing besides love your little Scorpio, it is to be honest with them. Trust is very important to these children.
They have an almost psychic ability to understand other people’s feelings, so don’t fake anything. They’ll know.
Your Scorpio is a very independent creature that understands their own power at a young age. They don’t tend to second-guess themselves.
Other children are drawn to this power – but, unlike some kids, the Scorpios shy away from this attention. Think lone hero vibes, like Geralt of Rivia.
Along with this power, however, comes the confidence in their decisions and beliefs. This can make them very stubborn. And from there, they can become manipulative.

You can help these children by teaching them how to use their powers for good.
They are still water signs and care a lot about people – regardless of how cold they seem on the surface.
That cold and casual façade is used to protect themselves. It’s a coping mechanism.
In truth, they have strong, deep emotions – especially when it comes to love – and are deep thinkers.
But Scorpios don’t want to get swept up by their emotions. They crave control over them.
Don’t worry, though. Every time they choose to listen to you, or hang out with you, or any other small bits of effort – those are their way of showing they love you.
And when a Scorpio loves you, they’d fight to the death for you.
Summary: requires honesty, requires personal space, trust is very important, psychic, very independent, powerful, confident, other children are drawn to them, lone hero vibes, very stubborn, manipulative, caring, cold, strong emotions, deep thinker, craves control, shows love in small ways.

The Sagittarius child needs freedom.
These are children who despise being tied down. They need adventure, excitement, and exploration.
Sagittarius children tend to be easy going and independent. They love fun and play.
Schedules are not something you want for this child – or they’ll quickly get depressed.
Instead, add variety to their lives to help them grow. Give them new opportunities frequently.
This isn’t to say you must take a trip to a foreign country every week, however. You can do smaller, helpful things. For example, take them hiking – but never the same exact path twice.

And if they say they don’t want to participate in soccer anymore – know that they mean it. If you try forcing them to continue, they’ll likely despise the sport even more.
With their peer groups, they can easily become the troublemakers. Your little Sagittarius doesn’t want to get in trouble, but it’s harder for them to understand the importance of rules.
You can help them by showing them interest within the mundane.
Introduce them to people-watching and join them in coming up with possibilities of who strangers may be.
Teach them about nature and architecture so their mind will be preoccupied in even simple situations like sitting in the car.
As your little one grows, you’ll see that they simply have the greatest love of life. They don’t want to miss out on any opportunities. As adults, they’ll visit you and share all the wonderful stories of their adventures.
Summary: needs freedom, despises being tied down, needs adventure, needs excitement, needs exploration, easy going, independent, loves fun and play, hates schedules, difficulty understanding the importance of the rules, doesn’t want to miss out.

The Capricorn child is business oriented.
Even as babies, they tend to be very serious kids who think a lot. They’re active and focused on their goals.
They love building stability and security for themselves. They feel comfort having to do lists and schedules. Capricorns usually excel academically.
This isn’t to say they never get in trouble, though! Capricorns only follow the rules that they deem worthwhile. This can make for some stubborn teenagers, but ones who can usually be reasoned with.
They make excellent leaders, especially in management roles. They may decide to start a business or two! However, they tend to have trouble making friends.

Although social situations are difficult, they are so independent and usually too focused on their goals to even notice.
The best thing would be to encourage them to chase their goals – but also to remind them to take breaks. Try to help schedule social times, like maybe a movie night with friends each Friday.
Help your little Capricorn remember that life goals don’t need to be designated in high school. There isn’t anything wrong with choosing one path, and then switching to another if it doesn’t make you happy.
Your little one will likely grow into a successful individual, whatever path they choose in life.
Summary: business-oriented, very serious, active, focused on goals, builds stability and security, usually excels academically, only follows rules they deem correct, stubborn, reasonable, manager, business owner, trouble making friends, independent, needs encouragement, needs schedules, successful.

The Aquarius child is a bundle of curiosity.
These are intelligent children, but ones who always feel different. This feeling tends to breed loneliness and make it difficult to make lasting friendships. In fact, they may be bullied.
It isn’t that they are trying to be weird or unusual, they just genuinely think differently than everyone else – so it can be difficult to connect.
They’ll need you to help them feel loved and accepted. Being a listening ear will mean the world to your little Aquarius.
Your little one will likely be talkative and friendly – but not with common topics. For example, small talk could be underdeveloped, but they may have pet rocks that they’ll love to share with you.

Aquarius children tend to love puzzles and people watching. They may enjoy collecting or may specialize in a certain subject.
At times, you may find them cold and analytical. However, this is simply because these little ones are very observant and definitely think a lot before responding to situations.
Over time, and with love and patience, your little Aquarius will grow and enchant you with stories and strange new ideas. They’ll be innovators and inventors that challenge the usual and make the world a better place.
Summary: curious, intelligent, lonely, difficulty making friends, may be bullied, thinks differently from everyone else, difficulty connecting, needs to feel loved and accepted, needs you to be a listening ear, talkative, friendly, love puzzles, people watcher, may enjoy collecting, may specialize in one subject, cold, analytical, observant, thinks before responding, innovator, inventor, makes the world a better place.

The Pisces children are the dreamers.
These are softer souls who need comfort and joy in their lives. They are sweet and friendly.
They adore their family and friends. Your little one will likely remember all the birthdays and passions of each person they care about.
Pisces children are very loving and caring kids that enjoy sleep and laughter. You may watch comedy with them to bond.
However, as the dreamers and last of the zodiac, these children desire for that happily-ever-after feeling they see in movies and read in books.

While this desire can make them artsy and joyful, they can also be unrealistic and may get their hearts broken several times.
They’ll need you to protect them and remind them to take care of themselves.
For example, even as adults, when they call – you may need to remind them that they need to get their car’s oil changed.
Help them learn that caring for others is important, but so is caring for yourself!
With this guidance, your little Pisces will become stronger and happier. They will forever be a great joy in your life and hold you close to their hearts no matter how far they roam.
Summary: dreamer, needs comfort and joy, sweet, friendly, adores family and friends, loving, caring, enjoys sleep, enjoys comedy, desires happily ever after, artsy, joyful, unrealistic, broken hearted, needs protection, needs to be reminded to self-care, will always care about you.