Self Care for the Holidays: Fire Signs
(Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius)
** Remember to check both sun & moon signs! And subscribe to The Ramm Report for the rest of the signs’ self-care for the holidays!
This past year has been a pretty intense one for all of us, so the upcoming holiday festivities are bound to cause a little more stress than usual. As a passionate fire sign, you have a tendency to react first, listen later. This can lead to some harsh quarrels with once beloved family members.
Maybe this past year has really put a strain on your relationships, or maybe you were more inclined to just let the little things go for the sake of keeping the peace. Whatever you have to do to get through the holidays, fire signs. We don’t judge here at Rogue Ramms.
Aries: Be a warm glow for yourself & others

Aries, we all know how much you love a good debate and after not being able to surround yourself with others for so long, there’s nothing you’re craving more than some exciting and passionate discussions. However, I implore you to consider when the best time and place would be to drop that bomb you know would spark some heated conversation.
Use your inner fire to warm those around you, instead of burning them to cinders. Your family may not agree with you on everything, and that’s okay. You can still have a great debate, but instead of debating to win, try debating to understand someone else’s point of view. Create a safe space where everyone’s opinions can be heard, and maybe you’ll be able to find some common ground with even the most estranged of family members. You’ve all been apart for so long. This holiday season, focus on enjoying the time you have with one another and being together rather than your differences.
Leo: Remember to keep your inner peace

Leos, you thrive in the spotlight. Having to isolate yourself from loved ones for the past year and a half has been especially difficult for you. It’s completely understandable for you to be overjoyed and excited to be around your family again this holiday season. Social interaction is what you’ve needed most after those long months in quarantine.
Remember what has kept you sane these past two years — keep your inner peace. Even introverts are craving social interaction. So, if your craving for being at the center of everything is getting too strong, remember to be aware of other’s needs as well. It’s the season of giving, so be sure to give as much as you take. Listen as much as you talk. You’ll be surprised by how much more you’ll get out of these interactions when you look outside of yourself and fully embrace those around you. After all, the sun shines bright and is unignorable, but even it gives more than it gets.
Sagittarius: Let go of what’s no longer serving your soul

Sagittarius, you are the ultimate Travel Bug, but you haven’t been able to go anywhere new, different, and interesting in a very long time. To compensate, you probably have used the pandemic as an excuse to pick up a few dozen extra hobbies! Week one was painting, two was embroidering, and three was a sourdough starter…? Yes, you cannot sit still!
However, remember to not bite off more than you can chew. Don’t promise to hand-knit your entire family scarves because you fell in love with knitting for a week at the beginning of November. It’s okay to just dabble in something without mastering it. Don’t overwhelm yourself with more projects than any one human being is capable of handling. It’s okay to pick and choose what you want to follow through with to completion, otherwise nothing is going to get done at all. It’s okay to relax and just be.

Overall, fire signs, the biggest takeaway I want you to remember this holiday season is that you always have the option to just let it go. Walk away. Find something you know will serve you better. I know you feel safest and most in control when you’re doing something active, and the cool winter air can always do you some good. Go for a brisk walk, tackle a fun mini project, change the subject to something everyone will find enjoyable! Sometimes letting go can be the greatest form of self-care. Take a breath, collect your thoughts, and then try to approach the situation in a different way.
‘Tis the season for warm glows instead of forest fires.
Stay safe, stay sane, and we here at Rogue Ramms hope you all have a very happy holiday!