Meditating with Your Chakras

Chakras are derived from the ancient Indian scriptures called the Vedas — otherwise known as the most ancient scriptures of Hinduism. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for “wheel” or “circle,” and it references the seven energy centers of your body traveling in a straight line from the top of your head to the base of your spine. When the chakras are open and balanced, they constitute a free-flowing, spiritual energy that promotes good mental, physical, and emotional health.

Think of your chakras as an energy rainbow — all colors are equally beautiful and important. When one of them is out of alignment, it can cause your entire body to feel off or out of whack. Mediation is one of the best ways to ensure each chakra is balanced and open, and it’s actually a lot easier to do than you may think!

Below, we’ve outlined a simple meditation technique you can use to open your mind and cleanse your chakras. It can be paired with a yoga practice or used by itself — whichever you feel would benefit you most.


First, you’re going to want to find a quiet area in a place that makes you feel safe and secure. Take a seat on the floor in whatever position brings you the most comfort and makes you feel grounded. If you can’t decide, it’s common to sit cross-legged with your hands resting on top of your thighs, palms facing up.

Once you are in a comfortable position, slowly breathe in and imagine a ball of air meeting each chakra point — starting with the crown of your head and slowly making its way to each point, individually, all the way down to the base of your spine. As it passes through each chakra, imagine the air pulling out any negative energy or feelings from each point — purifying it. With every deep, mindful exhale, imagine this air leaving your body — taking all that negative energy with it — and consciously allow yourself to release that negativity fully.

Purposefully, mindfully, and patiently go through this process for each chakra, leaving you with a cleansing feeling of rejuvenation and peace.

You can focus the meditation, if you feel one or two of your chakras are more imbalanced than others. Below, we’ve outlined the chakras to help you learn more about them, to ensure you can get the most out of each meditation.

Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is located at the top of your head. The symbol is a violet or white, thousand-petaled lotus flower in full bloom, which is meant to represent the “full blossoming of consciousness.”

This chakra represents your spiritual connection to a higher purpose or higher plane. Your energy radiates outward and upward infinitely, connecting you to the universe and helping you think about the bigger picture.

The symbolic color associated with this chakra is pure white — meant to rejuvenate, enlighten, and open your consciousness.

The best gemstones to connect to this chakra are clear quartzdiamond, or selenite

When your crown chakra is blocked, you may feel numb or disconnected from the world around you. Since this point is meant to connect you to the bigger picture outside yourself, it can also manifest feelings of greed or arrogance when blocked. You’ll find yourself more attached to your worldly possessions in a way that will never fully satisfy. You’ll always want more.

To reconnect to this chakra, try the savasana (corpse pose) or a headstand to help reactivate it.

Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is located right around the center of your forehead, just above your eyebrows. It is symbolized by a purple, two-petaled lotus surrounding a downward pointing triangle. 

Despite popular belief, it’s actually this chakra that stirs what is referred to as your “gut feeling.”  It represents your connection to your intuition. It also allows you to cut through any illusions clouding your perception, so you may have a clearer view of the world around you.

The colors associated with this chakra are indigo and deep purple — intense, mystical colors to help you tap into your inner wisdom, faith, and higher intellect.

The best gemstones to reconnect to this chakra are amethystblack obsidian, and purple fluorite.

When the third eye chakra is blocked, you may have trouble trusting yourself. You may struggle with figuring out what the best decision is for you.  This self-doubt can cause you to be dismissive and judgmental of others, without truly meaning to. It can also manifest itself as extreme anxiety and constantly worrying about the future, attacking yourself inwardly.

To reconnect with this chakra, try child’s poseforward fold, and eagle pose to harmonize your upper body to your lower body.

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is located in your throat, obviously — no surprise there. It is symbolized by a blue, 16-petaled lotus surrounding a downward pointing triangle within a circle. 

This chakra represents self-expression and speaking your inner truth. It’s the chakra that rules all communication — allowing you to express yourself freely, honestly, and effectively. It encourages our authentic expression of ourselves, and to purify that expression so we can experience life as our true selves. It also aids in one of the most important aspects of communication — listening to others and really attempting to understand what they are trying to say, facilitating the free flow of communication between our inner and outer worlds.

The color associated with this chakra is blue — a color of trust, openness, purity, loyalty, and truth.

The best gemstones to reconnect to this chakra are aquamarinelapis lazuli, and turquoise.

When the throat chakra is blocked, you may struggle with communicating effectively — not just how well you talk, but also how you interpret others’ words. You have trouble finding the right words and struggle to say what you need to. It can also manifest itself as constantly talking over others, dominating conversations, and never truly listening to what others have to say, or not quite understanding what others mean by their words.

To reconnect to this chakra, try the plow posefish pose, and a shoulder stand to help open your throat chakra from all sides.

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is located in the center of your chest, right where your heart is supposed to be — again, this one shouldn’t come as a surprise.  This is symbolized by a green, 12-petaled lotus surrounding a hexagram of two intersecting triangles (a six-pointed star).

This chakra represents love and compassion — but it also encompasses empathykindnesshealing, and forgiveness. It is a hub of emotion, and an integration point between your upper and lower chakras.

The color associated with this chakra is a lively, energetic green — meant to symbolize life, nature, healing, peace, and growth.

The best gemstones to reconnect to this chakra are jaderhodonite, and rose quartz.

When this area is blocked, it becomes a breeding ground for jealousy, anger, arrogance, and feelings of betrayal. At the very worst, you can become closed off emotionally, unable to give or receive love. It can manifest itself as lack of self-care, becoming spiteful, or having difficulties forgiving even those closest to you for as little as the smallest offenses.

To reconnect to the heart chakra, try upward-facing dog, camel pose, and humble warrior.  These work to open up your heart chakra. 

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is located between your belly button (naval) and your rib cage (sternum).  The symbol is a yellow, ten-petaled lotus surrounding a downward pointing triangle. 

This chakra represents your individual power and self-esteem. It is your source of confidence, determination, and will-power — helping you find the strength and drive to push through difficult times and commit to any challenge.

The color associated with this chakra is yellow — a warm color of optimism and joy, strength, and energy. It also encourages meditation, competence, and mental development and is meant to symbolize a bright light or a spark of an idea come to life.

The best gemstones to reconnect to this chakra are ambercitrine, and topaz.

When this area is blocked, it manifests as feelings of self-doubt, low self-esteem, sadness, foolishness, fear, and shame. You become more prone to procrastination and outward expressions of apathy.

To reconnect to the solar plexus chakra, try boat posttriangle pose, or warrior III to ignite your core strength.

Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is located above your pubic bone and right below your belly button. The symbol is an orange, six-petaled lotus surrounding two circles, together forming a crescent moon shape. 

This chakra represents your primal emotions, passions, and the majority of our subconscious. It is the source of your creativity and the central hub for all things that bring you pleasure and joy.

The color associated with this chakra is orange — a bright, energetic color that exudes warmth, enthusiasm, and vitality. It is also seen as the color of purified energy. 

The best gemstones to help you connect to this chakra are carnelianmoonstone, and sunstone.

When this area is blocked, you may feel especially unmotivated and uninspired. You’ll find it difficult to connect to your creativity. You may experience bouts of emotional instability, such as anger, jealousy, and cruelty. Depression and addiction issues may arise, as well.

To reconnect to the sacral chakra, try pigeon posebridge pose, and warrior II to open your hips and strengthen your pelvic floor.

Root Chakra

The root chakra is located at the base of your spine. The symbol is a red, four-petaled lotus surrounding a downward pointing triangle within a square.

This chakra represents your foundation. It’s your grounding, the balance of your mental and physical power.

The color associated with this chakra is red — a primal color that represents safety, security, and survival.

The best gemstones to reconnect to this chakra are bloodstonered jasper, and onyx.

When this area is blocked, you may feel increasingly unsteady and off-balance. This can manifest itself as extreme anxiety, fear, and insecurity.  You may struggle with having a regular sleep cycle or be prone to nightmares.

To reconnect to the root chakra, try tree posemountain pose, and warrior pose to strengthen your foundation and help you work towards full body balance.

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