** Remember to check your sun & moon signs — as well as your rising sign & Venus placement in your birth chart for more details!
** And subscribe to The Ramm Report for the rest of the signs’ home décor essentials!
Aries: Open spaces and area rugs
As an active Aries, you need plenty of open space in your home to keep you from feeling boxed-in and confined.
You need room to spread out, even if that means going more minimalistic in terms of furniture.
After all, you need a place that allows you to do a quick home-workout every once in a while, or maybe some relaxing yoga to calm your mind (and cool your temper when things get a little too intense).
While you need lots of open space, we also don’t want your home to feel empty or bare, which is where the area rugs come in.
Invest in a big fuzzy rug you can sprawl out on at the end of a long day.
Something big enough for all your friends to cluster together on during a competitive game night and that provides a cushy foundation for your blanket fort on movie night.
Having everyone gathered together at the same level will help when a passionate debate inevitably breaks out, and (let’s face it) you’ve always been more of a floor person anyway.

Leo: Plenty of mirrors and golden accents
Alright, I know what you’re thinking. Leos need to decorate with mirrors?! SHOCKER! But before you’re quick to dismiss, hear me out.
Mirrors can be used for more than just vanity.
First of all, they can be used as a great tool to bounce natural light around your home, and our luminous Leos would be absolutely lost without sunlight. Plus, they create the illusion of depth and space, so they can make even the smallest of spaces feel bigger!
Since we are still talking about you, Leos, I would recommend that the more ornately detailed the mirrors are, the better — preferably with some golden accents that compliment your dazzling personality — because we all know how much you love to show off your fine taste.
It’s also essential for you to have a big, full-length mirror somewhere in your home that allows you to take plenty of OOTD (outfit-of-the-day) mirror pics that showcase your entire outfit. After all, it’s not vain to celebrate your beauty every once in a while!

Sagittarius: Create a travel wall
Sagittarius, you don’t do well staying in one place for very long. You are constantly searching for a new adventure, and your home should reflect that.
Let’s stay away from having any blank walls.
We want you to fill them with color and plenty of pictures to keep you from feeling claustrophobic. These reminders of happy, adventurous memories will light up every area of your home.
Now, make a special area.
Pick a wall that you find yourself staring at constantly, whether it be in your bedroom, your living room, or even your kitchen, and fill it up with everything from postcards to maps of all the destinations you’ve been to.
Print out pictures of destinations you want to visit next, and create a hodgepodge of lavish dreams and travel destinations for the future that will help get you through until your next vacation getaway!

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