Aries: Tree House
Did you know there is such a thing as a luxury tree house? Because, I sure didn’t — but now that I do, staying in one has been moved to the top of my bucket list!
Aries, you are so enthusiastic about life — let your home be as adventurous as you are!
Now, what I’m talking about are anything but your ordinary, everyday, run-of-the-mill treehouses — these aren’t what your dad may have built you in your backyard! Think more along the lines of the house in “Nim’s Island” or the Lost Boys’ compound in “Hook.” These homes are basically cabins suspended in the trees and can be built with multiple stories, complete with running water, internet, and electricity! Some are simple at just a few hundred square feet, with a tiny bedroom, reading nook, and porch to sip coffee on while you watch the sunset.
These tree houses are your personal playground, with your choice of rope ladders, bridges, and even a slide! Some even have their own swimming pools! Every day is an adventure in a tree house, which makes it the perfect home for a daredevil like you.

Taurus: Hobbit Hole
Hobbit Holes, as they are known, actually exist outside the realm of Middle Earth, and they would make the perfect, unique home for a strong, home-loving, comfort seeker like you, Taurus!
You appreciate the unique, classic, quality details — the more well designed and pleasing to the eye, the better — and having a little originality and design interest doesn’t hurt!
If you’ve ever seen the beloved “Lord of the Rings” saga, remember “Bag End” — the Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, fabulous home? These houses are made entirely from the earth itself and, though they focus on comfort, they do so in only the coolest and best ways! Usually, they’re built directly into a hillside, but no matter what, these homes are covered entirely with soil, and have as much rich, green, lush vegetation as possible. Bag End is a beautiful, welcoming, expansive place. It has an intriguing round door at front and back, and matching round windows allowing the sun to radiate throughout the home. Unusual and distinctive details are everywhere — these are created by Hobbits, after all! And being creatures of comfort, there are cozy reading nooks, inviting chairs, convenient niceties, and lots of pantry storage for all the food you’ll need to care for your friends and family!
Whether you go for the cute and cozy or the spacious and grand, this is a grounded, yet beautiful house, with just enough complexity and an “earthy” aesthetic perfect for you!

Gemini: Riad House
Common in Morocco and other Arab cultures, Riad houses are built around a center garden or courtyard, typically with a fountain in the middle to symbolize life. This courtyard is the center of the house, and (unlike most western building styles) most windows are built to face the garden, as opposed to the street outside.
Gemini, you are multi-faceted — sometimes you crave fun, entertaining social gatherings, and sometimes you need privacy and solitude to nurture your intellectual energy and well-being. This house is tailor-made to support and sustain all of you! It places a strong emphasis on privacy from the outside world, but once inside you’ll discover a collection of open rooms built for gathering. You can entertain your friends and family in a grand, welcoming style — and when you’re ready, you can relax in the ultimate privacy you desire, hidden away from the world.
With its ornately decorative walls and brightly-colored tile floors, a riad really is like your own private palace — ideal for lounging in the sun with all your loved ones as you sip brightly colored drinks and gossip about the latest scandals.

Cancer: Houseboat
We all know how at home Cancers feel on the water, so it only makes sense that your unique home would be just as at home on the water as you!
These charming homes aren’t your typical sailboats. Their design can be modern and elegant or rustic and beach-themed — whatever suits your style. Most look and function like land-based houses or cabins — just with an anchor and motor attached, and built on a hull! They have four sturdy walls, lots of windows, a real front door, and even a front porch for you to relax, sip your tea, and trail your toes in the water. Some even have multiple stories complete with a rooftop garden!
A houseboat gives you the option to go wherever the waves can take you — carrying all the comforts of home along for the ride! Not only does it provide a convenient way to travel, but living on one provides a great, affordable way to live in the middle of the city without having to pay the extravagant rent costs. And the best part? Once you tire of a city, you’re able to hoist your anchor and set sail again for somewhere new!
What a great way to have both your home base and experience the world! Cities like Seattle, Portland, and Miami all have thriving houseboat communities. Or — if you want to go global — you could stay in London, Amsterdam, and many other vibrant cities! We’ll be keeping our eye out for you in all the coolest places!

Leo: Observatory-style/Geodesic Dome Home
A Dome Home quite literally allows you to live in your own little bubble, Leo — you are the sun, and your house is your own little universe. You’re probably most familiar with this bubble-shaped style from celebrity Glamping or maybe you’ve seen them on Airbnb. But these hexagonal hive-like domes are an incredibly eco-friendly and affordable alternative to the mundane housing choices we’re all used to!
The geodome is nature’s strongest shape. They’re built from quality materials and designed to last through any season — even through the harshest natural disasters, like earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes. They are energy efficient and provide you with endless design possibilities! You create your world, Leo, with moveable walls (as they are not weight bearing) and endless ideas. With open floor plans and all the natural light you could ever want, these eco-friendly dome homes are perfect for your luminescent Leo self. Plus, they are ideal for stargazing from the comfort of your own bed!
With automatic talk-of-the-town appeal, combined with big, open, and eco-friendly design — Leo, you have got to give dome living a try!

Virgo: Tiny House
Tiny homes are all about utilizing your space — something you excel at, my dear Virgo. These homes offer a no-nonsense approach to using just the space you need — utilizing all the space you have — all expressed in a beautiful, thoughtful design.
Tiny houses are typically less than 600 square feet, and they are all about simplifying your lifestyle and embracing the minimalist philosophy. While typically these houses are simple and modest, you have a knack for finding ways to decorate the space to your liking. Using imaginative and clever ways with your creative and brilliant problem-solving style, we know you will make it entirely your own. Maybe start patenting some of the amazing gadgets you’ve made so others can use them in their tiny homes! Some are built on foundations, but most are built on trailers so they can be moved easily, if needed. The average set-up involves a lofted bedroom over the kitchen or living room, lots of windows on both sides to allow for plenty of natural light, and storage spaces or cubbies cleverly set in every possible nook and cranny you can think of!
Another attraction for you, my logical Virgo, tiny homes are so much more cost-effective than larger homes, even more than renting apartments, and they give you the financial freedom to save for the future or fund any adventures and projects you’re looking to pursue in the present.

Libra: Stone Cottage
What you look for in a home, Libra, is beauty, quality, and a little bit of tradition. Your home’s appearance and the atmosphere where you live is very important to you. You appreciate a classic, more traditional house, and these gorgeous stone cottages check all your boxes!
Building with stone isn’t as common nowadays, but it’s innate uniqueness and relative rarity only serve to make it more appealing to you! Plus, stones retain their color and pattern, so that the beautiful dimensional aesthetic they bring will stay throughout the years with minimal effort on your part. The inside of your home will be welcoming and warm, while the outside maintains its extraordinary, picturesque charm. Knowing you, Libra, you’ll probably have vines of emerald-green ivy climbing up the side of your cottage — perhaps an English garden is in the cards for you?
Can you see yourself sitting on your front porch, my lovely Libra, living life in a postcard-perfect setting, an ice-cold glass of tea in your hand, slowly relaxing into the beauty you’ve cultivated?

Scorpio: Cabin in the Woods
Trying to explain why a cabin in the woods makes the best home for a Scorpio is like trying to explain why peanut butter tastes so good with jelly. I can go into a long-winded explanation if you’d like, but — if you know anything about Scorpios — it’s just the perfect fit!
Isolated in nature, in your own private world — either by yourself or with a few selectively chosen loved ones — giving you all the time in the world to be one with mother earth, enjoy your own thoughts, and just be…
Ideally, your closest neighbor would be at least a few dozen miles away, but of course, you always have the option to hop in your car and drive into town if your loved ones need you.
But you are an island unto yourself, dear Scorpio, and on most days, you’re perfectly content to roast marshmallows, gaze up at the stars, and contemplate the mysteries of the universe and the meaning of life. Full of good days, Scorpio, and peacefully falling asleep to a lullaby of crickets, cicadas, and the wind rustling through the trees.

Sagittarius: Hostel
Sagittarius, you understand that life is not made to be spent worrying. You probably know where most hostels are in the places you’ve been, and that they make for such a convenient place to land between flights.
In case you don’t know, a hostel is what you get when you cross a budget-friendly hotel with a college dorm. Rooms can range from four to eighteen beds — usually all twin-sized bunk beds — with the option for a private room or suite. But what more do you need? Life is out there for you, anyway, isn’t it? Life is meant to be lived. All you need is a place to recharge while you adventure that won’t hold you back.
Hostels are communal spaces that pride themselves on the environment they create for their guests. Living in a hostel definitely has its perks. You’ll make friends from all across the globe and hear fascinating life stories featuring places you’ve been already and places you’ll add to your must-go list. If you do plan to stay longer than a day or two, many hostels offer discounted rates if you pay weekly, some offer smaller, more intimate dorms for their long-term guests, and you may even find a few that allow you to work there a few nights a week for reduced (or sometimes free) rent!
Plus — the best part for you, dear Sagittarius — whenever you get bored and feel the urge to explore someplace new, you can toss on your backpack and move on to your next adventure with no strings attached! What more could you possibly want?

Capricorn: Ryokan-style House
Ryokans are all about maximizing beauty in the most minimalist and efficient way possible. Everything has a purpose; everything has been carefully considered. Every design choice, each furniture placement, even every lighting choice is made with the utmost attention to detail and consideration of purpose. If you’re going to spend your money (as well as your time and energy) decorating something, it had better be for a reason! Capricorn, this is your essence and philosophy made into a home.
Ryokans are all about creating a useful, purposeful space that is ultimately tranquil and relaxing. Traditionally, the floors are tatami — aromatic mats made of woven rice straw — with doors crafted from sliding screens. The screens are opened and closed to separate different sections throughout the rooms to maximize space and efficiency. Everything you see, touch — and the aroma in the air, itself — has a purpose and meaning. These houses can be large (after all, they are designed like Japanese inns), but feel very intimate — no energy is wasted, no space is cluttered.
There is an energy in this design that you, Capricorn, strive for in everything you do. After working a long, hard day, coming home to soak in your version of a Japanese Onsen (even if it’s just a bubble bath) is just what you need to help you feel relaxed and refreshed before you take on whatever tomorrow brings!

Aquarius: Yurt
For your curious, quirky selves, Aquarius, we suggest a yurt! Traditionally used by nomadic groups in Central Asia, a Yurt started as a portable, round tent covered with animal skins or — more recently — felt, with a cone-like roof and a small cap or skylight at the top. A very different choice from all your friends’, that’s for sure!
Today, modern yurts may be built on a raised wooden platform with metal or wood framing; the outer walls can be made of canvas or tarpaulin, and even have their own insulation. Most include electricity, plumbing, and a wood-burning stove in the center to ensure the inside stays nice and toasty during the winter months. They can be quite luxurious, featuring multiple rooms and an expansive bedroom loft overlooking it all. You can stick to an open floor plan or divide the space into more sectioned rooms with partitioned walls and additional structures.
The yurt is as unique as you, and highly customizable — perfect for you, Aquarius! It brings you closer to the outdoors, while maintaining a cozy and comfortable interior. The sky’s the limit with all the artistic choices you can create, mix, and match — and knowing you, you’ll probably find at least a dozen new, interesting ways to make it your own.

Pisces: Floating Cabin
Beach or mountain? A floating cabin is the best of both worlds! A well-built log cabin just inches away from tranquil waters? Can you think of a more ideal artistic retreat?
Floating cabins are similar to houseboats, except they’re permanently attached to the dock. While this means you can’t just drive off on a whim, typically floating cabins have more square-footage and are connected to a sewer system — hooray for indoor plumbing! Plus, they don’t rock around with the waves as much, which makes it a lot easier for you to focus on your artistic pursuits without the threat of motion sickness or a misplaced brush stroke! You can keep it simple — one floor and a traditional front porch — or build skywards and add another story with a rooftop deck!
These cabins are cute, cozy, conversation-starters to bring friends over to, and sustainable — they’ve got it all. Plus, inspiration envelops you on the water — it’s the perfect place for you, my artistic Pisces, to craft your next masterpiece.