Aries: You ghosted them first

An Aries won’t typically ghost you, because they’re more than happy to confront any issues they have with you in the moment. No, a blunt Aries will usually tell you exactly how it is and doesn’t like to waste your time or theirs by sugarcoating things.
That being said, everything goes out the window if they think you ghosted them first. Maybe it was a genuine mistake — you simply forgot to respond for a few days. Or maybe you just weren’t feeling it at the time. It doesn’t matter to an Aries. You’ll get the cold shoulder the second you reach out again, and (if you value your life) don’t ever try to resolve the issue in public — plan to be a participant in a no-holds-barred debate.
An Aries just doesn’t have the patience for a relationship that isn’t dynamic. You may be best buds when you’re one-on-one, but if you don’t carry the in-the-moment energy to your phone, don’t be surprised if you don’t hear from them.
Taurus: They felt pushed too far out of their comfort zone

Never mistake kindness for weakness when it comes to a Taurus. They may be one of the most nurturing signs of the zodiac, but their symbol is a bull for a reason!
A Taurus likes to do things on their time. If they feel rushed or pressured in any way, they’ll dig in their heels and cut you out faster than you can say, “Bye, Felicia!”
You may not even have realized you’d been pushing them, either! For you, it may feel like they stopped responding out of the blue because you’d asked them to leave their house for an afternoon on a day that they just weren’t feeling it. You may have been a little pushy, sure, but it didn’t seem like such a big deal at the time. But a Taurus struggles with establishing boundaries and wishes you could understand them without their having to explain or be an enforcer. However, if your Taurus does enforce them, there’s always a good reason, and you’ll know you pushed the envelope too far for them when they ghost you!
Gemini: They’re just not that into you

Geminis really struggle with maintaining interest in relationships. You’ll know when they’re charismatic and charming in person, but then are awful texters and have a bad habit of leaving you on read. It’s a little murky with them. A Gemini won’t ghost you outright, but they may take hours or even days — or longer — to respond. Or, you were right, and they are ghosting you!
As the saying goes, “Out of sight, out of mind!” If you don’t live near a Gemini, it’ll be even harder to keep their attention — and if you don’t, they won’t see a reason to keep talking to you — even if they did really like you when you were hanging out! To them, they just got bored, and it feels like delaying the inevitable — and, if you feel invested in the relationship, the ending may well be a heartbreak.
If you do live nearby, try setting up an in-person date! A Gemini won’t usually take the initiative on this because they’re too focused on what’s going on in the moment to plan ahead. If they turn you down or don’t seem enthusiastic about it, then I’d say it’d be best to let the flame die out.
Cancer: They felt neglected

It’s very rare to be ghosted by a Cancer. When they fall, they fall hard and fast. They’ll give you everything they have and not saddle you with expectations.
That being said, it really hurts when you don’t match their energy. Cancers are natural empaths, and they absorb the emotions of those around them. If you’re bringing nothing but negativity into their life, then they’ll have no choice but to cut you out of it. It’s more of a survival mechanism for them than a judgement on you.
A Cancer will always be there if you need them, even if they’ve been trying to ghost you. They may always answer the phone at 3 a.m. because you need someone to talk to, but you’ll notice they lose their enthusiasm — their shine. If you’re not willing to give them what they need — even if it’s just because you can’t — then let them go so they can find someone who can.
Leo: You bruised their ego

Leos are sensational conversationalists. They could talk about anything and everything at all hours of the day or night. No topic is off limits — unless you bruise their ego.
It’s not that all Leos have fragile egos. They’re open for discussing anything, but they will not stand for anyone belittling their opinions or dismissing their accomplishments. They know their worth, and they won’t let anyone treat them less than they deserve.
Leos aren’t subtle with ghosting, either. They will absolutely stop talking to you altogether and blatantly ignore you in public. They’ll block your number (but not your social media account) and start posting hot pics of them living their best life without you.
Virgo: They didn’t want to hurt your feelings

Virgos are such kind, sweet souls. They’d never want to do anything to purposely hurt you, even if it means dragging out a relationship long past its expiration date.
A Virgo never wants to be the one to cut it off, but once they do realize your relationship has reached its end, they’ll ghost you emotionally. You’ll find that they’ll continue to respond politely whenever you reach out, but it’ll be obvious that their heart just isn’t in it anymore. They’ll never reach out themselves and are just hoping you’ll get so tired of their one-word answers that you’ll be the one to stop texting first.
If you confront them directly, they’ll eventually confess their true feelings; but most Virgos will just play the long game and hope you take the hint.
Libra: They hate confrontation

Libras are the most non-confrontational sign of the zodiac. When it comes to ghosting, they would never just outright stop responding, but they’ll definitely take their sweet time getting back to you. When they finally do, their responses may seem a little overly sweet and enthusiastic when making plans, but don’t be surprised when they cancel at the last minute or refuse to answer when you call.
Libras like to keep their options open. They don’t want to burn any bridges with you in hopes that they may be able to rekindle the relationship down the line when (or if) it better suits them.
Whether they’ve ghosted you or not, Libras will still care about your opinion of them. They want you to think highly of them, even if they no longer want to maintain the same close relationship with you. They’d rather keep you as an acquaintance than risk the messiness of making you an enemy.
Scorpio: They needed some alone time

Even the most extroverted Scorpios highly value their alone time. Things may have seemed like they were going great between you two, when out of the blue your Scorpio just stopped responding. Days — maybe even weeks — have gone by… and nothing!
Don’t take it personally. Scorpios do this with even their closest family and friends. Whenever life gets too overwhelming, a Scorpio needs to hibernate in their cave for a while. They need to reset and recharge their batteries before they’re ready to socialize again.
You have to let a Scorpio come to you. When you first start feeling them pull away, let them go spend some time on their own. They’ll come back when they’re ready. If they don’t, then take the hint. The more you reach out, the less likely they are to ever respond.
Sagittarius: Someone (or something) else caught their eye

It happens to the best of us!
FOMO is real for a Sagittarius. By committing to one thing, they can’t help but feel they’re missing out on something else. Even if you are their perfect match, how would they know unless they experienced their imperfect matches first? The whole world is their domain, and they don’t like closing doors too early to possible adventures.
Sagittarius are also easily distracted. They have a tendency to get so absorbed in the moment that they forget everything else around them. They probably won’t even realize they’ve left you on read until they see you again in person — if ever!
It may not even be another person that’s captured their attention — it could just be life. They could’ve gotten caught up learning a new hobby or hopped on a plane for a spontaneous vacation that you’ll see them posting about for the next few weeks. They’ll probably reach out when they snap back to reality, or they’ll find someone else who’s better suited to their chaotic lifestyle.
Capricorn: They didn’t have time for you

Sorry! Between their ambitious career, love for their family, and commitment to themselves, Capricorns have very limited time to spare, and they don’t like to waste a second of it. They are incredibly decisive and make quick judgements. If they feel the time they spend with you could be better spent elsewhere, then they will not hesitate to cut you out of their life.
Usually, they’ll try to craft you a short text to let you know it won’t work out, rather than just ghosting you outright. But they may get so caught up in working on a project that they forget, and you just never hear from them again.
Try not to take it personally. Not everyone matches a Capricorn’s spirit and intention, and they are just trying to save you both heartache in the long run.
Aquarius: They probably just forgot!

Don’t worry, you didn’t do anything wrong!
When it comes to an Aquarius, odds are they just genuinely forgot to respond. Aquarius are overthinkers. They can get so caught up in trying to type the perfect response that sometimes it ends up on the back burner as they mull over all possible options.
It’s also possible that they thought they responded (or responded in their heads but never physically typed it out), and now they’re waiting for you to text them back. They may respond in a week or two when they realize their mistake, or they may be so embarrassed that they never reach back out at all!
Pisces: You didn’t live up to their ideal of you

Pisces have a tendency to build people up in their heads before they get all the details. They fall in love at first sight and craft a beautifully-written love story of how you’ll end up together and live happily ever after. It’s an impossibly high standard no real person could ever hope to achieve, and it’s not sustainable for any healthy relationship. Sometimes reality will match their dreams well enough, but sometimes, through no fault of your own, it won’t.
So, if they ghost you, you probably didn’t follow their script or you burst their bubble in some way.
Pisces have a flair for the dramatic. Most likely, they’re not ready to consider that their dreams are unrealistic. They’ll start a fight with you so they have a valid excuse for ghosting you — and they can always play the victim, just in case anyone asks. But in reality, they had already made up their mind about you, and it was over long before then.

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