ARIES (March 21st – April 20th)
Aries is the first of the zodiacs, and commonly represented as the baby leader of the zodiac family. At Aries’s best, they make fierce and protective leaders. At their worst, they are reckless and impulsive.
Fire with an earth undertone.
An undertone element represents the underlying motivation of the sun sign. Those born under an Aries sun have their natural fire, but it is tempered by earthly motivators. A perfect example of this is how deeply an Aries cares for its chosen family and friends. If you mess with the family or friends of an Aries – prepare to face the flames!
This is why Aries is easily a dust devil. This natural disaster occurs when heat on the surface of the earth heats up very quickly. The heat stretches up into the atmosphere and creates a spinning motion – similar to a tornado.
Fun fact: Dust devils are very frequent on Mars (the planet representing Aries).
TAURUS (April 21st – May 21st)
Taurus is second in the line, and the first earth sign. At Taurus’s best, they are stable and make loyal friends. At Taurus’s worst, they are stubborn and indifferent.
Earth with a fire undertone.
An undertone element represents the underlying motivation of the sun sign. For those born under a Taurus sun, they are naturally earth signs – however, you’ll quickly see the fire undertone if you manage to make one angry.
Taurus people aren’t naturally angry people, but they tend to push issues to the side until their “last straw.” Because of this, they are easily represented by volcanos. A stable mountain under normal circumstances, Tauruses will let the lava bubble under the surface until, well, they explode. When a Taurus has told you they’ve had enough, they truly mean it.
Fun fact: Venus, which represents Taurus, has the most volcanos on any planet we know of!
GEMINI (May 22nd – June 21st)
Gemini is the third zodiac, and commonly represented by the stage of childhood where all the talking begins! At Gemini’s best, they are interesting and intelligent. At Gemini’s worst, they are fickle and prone to lying.
Air with a fire undertone.
An undertone element represents the underlying motivation of the sun sign. For Gemini suns, air is the main element. However, have you ever had a Gemini hate you? Oh boy, you’ll be burned…
I know, I know – something to do with the sun and it’s not for Leo? Hear me out. Solar flares are caused by pockets of energy that bubble on the surface of the sun and then explode. Gemini suns are socially energetic individuals that explode when upset and easily can destroy someone with their verbal burns.
Fun fact: Powerful solar flares have been known to disrupt communications on Earth.
CANCER (June 22nd – July 22nd)
Ah, the crab of the zodiac and the first of the water signs. Cancer suns at their best are empathetic and nurturing. At their worst, they are overly emotional and moody.
Water with an earth undertone.
An undertone element represents the underlying motivation of the sun sign. While Cancers are water signs, they are very family-oriented individuals that crave stability within their home environment. This is due to the earth undertone.
There are quite a few water-based natural disasters. However, a flood is essentially water that flows over land well past its normal boundaries. If you consider that water also represents emotions, this is a perfect metaphor for Cancer suns. Although they need that stability from the earth – their emotions flood from time to time.
Fun fact: The moon (which represents Cancers) has also been proven to affect the tides and can cause flooding!
LEO (July 23rd – August 23rd)
Leos are the fifth zodiac in the line, and commonly considered the young children of the family (about 8-10 years old). At their best, Leo suns are big-hearted and make excellent leaders. At their worst, they are egotistical and attention-seeking.
Fire with a water undertone.
An undertone element represents the underlying motivation of the sun sign. While Leos are definitely fire signs, their undertone is water because all they really want is to be loved and cared about. They tend to attribute attention to love, which is what can cause the attention-seeking behavior.
Fire with some water, Leo suns are easily represented by lightning. Lightning (charged electricity) is made within clouds and clouds are made of water. Also like Leos, lightning tends to either be loved or hated.
Fun fact: Lightning helps plants grow! The sudden heat causes more nitrogen to bond with oxygen and, as rain falls, plants soak up that nitrogen-rich water.
VIRGO (August 24th – September 22nd)
The preteens! Virgos are the sixth zodiac in the line. At their best, Virgos are quick thinking and practical. At their worst, Virgos are judgmental and insecure.
Earth with an air undertone.
An undertone element represents the underlying motivation of the sun sign. Virgo suns are earth signs, but their air undertone is what tends to make them perfectionists. Due to their practicality and intelligence, they feel like there are all these expectations for them to be great at everything they do (but really, they’re the only ones keeping score).
As I explained earlier, Virgos put tremendous pressure on themselves. The earth and air rubbing together – like an earthquake – shaking their foundation to make sure they themselves can resist falling down.
Fun fact: Mercury (which rules Virgo) is the only planet besides Earth that’s known to have earthquakes.
LIBRA (September 23rd – October 23rd)
The balancers, Libra suns are the early teens. They are learning to balance their head and their heart. At their best, they are charming and cooperative. At their worst, they are indecisive and needy.
Air with an undertone of earth.
An undertone element represents the underlying motivation of the sun sign. Libras are air signs, yes, but their undertone of earth stabilizes them to help them make the right decisions. This doesn’t come without its challenges! But really, all Libra suns want is for everyone to get along.
Like a dust storm, mixing air and earth, Libras feel it’s easier most of the time to coat problems that arise in a layer of dust and move on. Dust storms occur when fast winds blow over dust or sand or dirt. But be careful, they can be very dangerous.
Fun fact: The Amazon rainforest is believed to have such biodiversity due to the dust storms blowing nutrients and minerals into the area (otherwise the large amounts of rain would wash many nutrients and minerals away).
SCORPIO (October 24th – November 22nd)
Scorpios are the late teenagers of the zodiac (about 16-19 years old). At Scorpios best, they are intuitive and smart. At their worst, they are manipulative and destructive.
Water with a fire undertone.
An undertone element represents the underlying motivation of the sun sign. Scorpio suns are very in tune with their emotions (although they usually keep those emotions hidden from view). The fire undertone represents the passion and strength of Scorpios.
Unlike the rest of this list, Scorpios aren’t a natural disaster. They are represented by mass violence, usually caused by emotional stressors. This is especially due to the secrecy of this sign! They tend to not share their traumas, and instead internalize and process the pain alone.
Fun fact: Scorpios have the most notorious serial killers born under their sign.
SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd – December 21st)
Sagittarius is next, the young adults of the zodiac family. At their best, they are adventurous and optimistic. At their worst, they are careless and inconsiderate.
Fire with an air undertone.
An undertone element represents the underlying motivation of the sun sign. Sagittarius suns are full of life due to their fire element, but the air undertone causes them to be very hard to pin down. They really don’t mean to be so difficult – they just live for joy.
Fire and wind is a wildfire waiting to happen. A careless wildfire is destructive, yes, but an occasional wildfire can be beneficial by clearing up the forest floor for new growth. Like a wildfire – Sagittarius suns understand the importance of taking occasional breaks from day to day tasks. However, too many breaks of avoiding responsibilities is bad.
Fun fact: Jupiter rules Sagittarius and there is a company called Jupiter Intelligence that monitors climate change and helps predict wildfires before they happen!
CAPRICORN (December 22nd – January 20th)
Capricorn is the last earth sign, and the more established adults of the zodiac family. At Capricorns best, they are hard-working and disciplined. At their worst, they are work-obsessed and irritable.
Earth with a water undertone.
An undertone element represents the underlying motivation of the sun sign. The sea goat, as Capricorn is also referred, is obviously earth with a water undertone. Although they are very work-oriented, Capricorn suns understand the importance of feelings and love.
Unfortunately, this earth-water combination doesn’t come easily. Capricorns are known pessimists and easily bring themselves (and those around them) down their personal sinkholes. Without a solid foundation for emotions to be processed properly, Capricorns’ sinkholes can be devastating. However, if emotional intelligence is developed well, then Capricorns can use their sinkholes to rid themselves of negative thoughts healthily.
Fun fact: Although not water-made, earth isn’t the only place to find sinkholes! Saturn (which rules Capricorn) has a moon named Titan that is known for its sinkholes.
AQUARIUS (January 21st – February 18th)
Aquarius is the final air sign, and the older adults of the zodiac family. At their best, Aquarius suns are curious and independent. At their worst, they are detached and temperamental.
Air with a water undertone.
An undertone element represents the underlying motivation of the sun sign. As the water bearers, it’s obvious that Aquariuses have water undertones. They tend to care a lot about the world as a whole and want to better it. Aquarius suns frequently volunteer their time and/or donate to charities.
A limnic eruption is a rare natural disaster in which gas is trapped at the bottom of a lake, then dislodges, moves up to the surface, and explodes. The gas then travels outward and suffocates those in its path. Aquarius suns tend to seem too chill to be temperamental. However, like limnic eruptions, there tends to be a lot going on beneath the surface that sometimes explodes in front of you.
Fun fact: The deadliest limnic eruption in history killed over 1,700 people..
PISCES (February 19th – March 20th)
Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac, and as such are commonly considered the seniors of the zodiac family. At their best, they are imaginative and friendly. At their worst, they are weak-willed and too forgiving.
Water with an air undertone.
An undertone element represents the underlying motivation of the sun sign. Like the symbolism of clouds representing dreaming, Pisces suns are water with a hint of air. They are very prone to day dreaming and could easily be happy in their own heads all day (after all, it’s nicer there).
Hailstorms need the following to form: clouds high in the sky, cold air blowing upward, and water in clouds sticking together and forming hail. Water and air. Like a hailstorm, those born under a Pisces sun have outbursts. However, Pisces suns don’t tend to hold grudges or plan revenge. Instead – they’ll have their emotional explosion, let themselves feel everything they need to feel, and release that negative energy as quickly as possible (even if as quickly as possible is in ten years).