** Remember to check both sun & moon signs — as well as your Saturn placement! And subscribe to The Ramm Report for the rest of the signs’ how to actually keep your New Year’s resolutions!
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Cancer: Set up a rewards system
Cancers, while you are extremely dedicated to your friends and family, dedicating yourself to one specific hobby or task can sometimes be a bit difficult for you.
Because you constantly have a million things going on, it can be challenging for you to not lose focus on your resolutions or for you to simply get bored and not want to put any time or effort into them anymore.
By creating benchmarks and setting up a rewards system, you’ll be more likely to actually stick to your resolutions. It’ll help you stay motivated and give you something tangible to work towards. After all, you do such a great job supporting and celebrating everyone else’s accomplishments, so why not give yourself that same energy?
If one of your new year’s resolutions is to finally learn French, maybe treat yourself to a nice glass of wine after every lesson. Then, for each new stage you advance, take yourself out to a French Bistro for a classy dessert. If you’re taking some sort of class, maybe throw a French-themed party with your friends and classmates to celebrate once you finish it!
The rewards don’t have to be huge like an actual trip to Paris (although, if you can swing that by all means go for it — that’d be quite the motivator!).
You know best what motivates you and what will incentivize you to keep at it until you succeed.
Scorpio: Don’t dwell on setbacks – learn to roll with the punches and continue on
My dark and brooding Scorpios, I know how easy it is for you to get caught up on all of the things you didn’t do or what you could’ve done better.
As January comes to a close, there are bound to have been a few bumps in the road as you work tirelessly to achieve your goals. Each little setback can feel like a personal failure, and it can be very difficult for you to work past it and try again.
But I must urge you, Scorpios, do not lose faith in your abilities. You are strong. You are powerful. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to. But you can’t allow yourself to be overwhelmed by your shortcomings.
Failure is a part of the process for everyone. If you’re having trouble sticking with your resolutions, then welcome to the club. It just means you’re human.
If dwelling on the problem is how you work through your setbacks, then that’s okay. Allow yourself some time to reflect on how things went wrong, learn from it, and then put that setback behind you so you can move forward.
I know you’re more of a lone wolf, but if you’re having trouble pulling yourself out of your funk, then maybe reach out to a friend or family member. Talking through your struggles or even just chatting and laughing for a while can give your serious side a needed break, and it may help you regain the strength to pick up the torch once more and continue on your journey to success.
Pisces: Rotate through your resolutions
Like Cancers, you also struggle with working on one thing at a time, my dear Pisces. You are a very fluid sign, and you need to constantly be switching up the things you’re working on, lest you lose interest in them. You need to keep things fresh and exciting, otherwise you’ll be distracted by something new and grow to resent your resolutions.
Remember Pisces, you don’t have to accomplish all your resolutions at once.
You have an entire year of projects ahead of you. You tend to be motivated by sparks of inspiration, and you go along with whatever your heart tells you. So, my advice to you is to follow that instinct. Take stock of your resolutions and work on whichever one you want to work on that day.
As long as you’re working towards one of them, it doesn’t matter if it goes against what you initially planned.
Say your main resolution this year is to finally finish that daunting first draft of the novel you’ve always wanted to write. Instead of forcing yourself to write for it every single day, maybe it’d be good for you to take a step away and work on something else for a while. Spend that time taking a yoga class online or get those creative juices flowing by picking up painting, like you vowed to actually do this year.
Even if you simply work on writing a different short story or poem, maybe you’ll find that when you get back to that draft, the words will flow a lot easier.
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